NEW Go Daddy DNS details to make it work:
Hey everyone,
So some of us still buy domains with Go Daddy, unfortunatily go daddy changed how it works with their name servers.
Thanks to an amazing few people here on WA I have managed to get the new details for Go Daddy. The name servers stay the same but now you need to add an IP Adress to confirm it. - The IP Address - The IP Address
Instructions for the new DNS set up:
1. Open go daddy
2. Go to "My Products"
3. Find the domain you want to manage and click on the DNS
4. Go down to name servers
5. Add in nameservers + their IP address
6. Save and wait for the tranfer to happen.
I hope this help and please share this with anyone that needs this short and easy guide to fixing the issue.
Recent Comments
I just bought a new domain at go daddy today.
And I want to transfer it to WA Platform.
I did the first three steps as mentioned above.
But I just bought my new domain today. Should I press the SETUp key at go daddy to find the DNS?
Because I can't find the DNS to click.
Newly purchased domains have a grace period of 60 days before you are able to transfer them.
In this instance, if you are needing it I would point it to WA servers instead.
And if no content you may transfer or point to WA servers (if transferring domain has to end in .com, .net or .org.
To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.
These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place. How to Transfer a Domain Name to Wealthy Affiliate How To Point Your Domain Name To WA NEW Go Daddy DNS details to make it work: To transfer your domain here you need login current registrar and fetch the EPP code, there's a one year charge of $14, privacy included. One year more will get added to your domain.
Also it has to have passed the grace period of 60 days.
That didn't seem to work but whois says that the nameservers are WA servers.
Will the website show up on WA SIte Manager when it is has worked? And would it happen pretty quickly or would it take a bit to show?
I actually have finished all my training and I run a few successful different projects. I'm not a noob to this, the problem states above. Go daddy changed their method of adding information to nameservers and this is what the new details are. I have posted this because nothing new has been updated to WA as of yet with this information. It is to help everyone who is struggling with the same issue.
I think I did as instructed on Go Daddy to move my website from the Sublix to the new .com domain I got bought but it's not showing upon my website.
I don't know what I'm doing!
The only thing I can think of is to sell back the domain I bought from Go Daddy, then buy it again through the WA Website
Is there someone who can do this for me???
The domain would work from GoDaddy! Or from WA! That's NOT the issue.
You may need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. You can also try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.
You can also empty the server's cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache's-Cache
Furthermore, if this issue persists, please reach out to site support.