Hey everyone! How are you all?
I decided to write this blog about some of the things I have accomplished so far, by that I don't mean income wise as I'm not quite on that lesson yet. But anyways what I mean is accomplishments such as my website being indexed and my content. I know it might not seem like a lot for some but trust me it's quite a big step as without being ranked you can't get anywhere.
other smaller achievements include learning SEO techniques and what it's all about as before I never knew that existed as well as learning about competitions and how to ensure that your content gets ranked at top.
There are many other things I have achieved thanks to wa and the community, but feel like I could achieve a lot more if I put the time and effort and stop being lazy!
Remeber to not give up and keep trying as you never know how close you are to success and thanks for reading. Have a great day🙂
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Even if it's a small achievement it's still something...Right?
When I first started my site I had no idea what to do! Thanks to my wonderful mother who has been owning sites for almost six years helped me through most of this. Kyle's training is such a huge help as well!
If you ever need help, always know that we are here for you, that's the best thing about being on here, this is a website filled with helpful people whom I have called my online friends.
I wish you the best of luck!
Sure! Small achievements lead to big achievements!
Thanks a bunch for the support,
Thankyou, good luck to you too! 🙂
You're very welcome!