My WA Journey So Far


As I complete lesson 10 of section 2, I feel a tremendous sense of acccomplishment, mainly because I never realized I could write this much.

That’s where all of the training related to keywords comes in, which I find the most valuable. Several of the posts I have written on, including my post on meditation and my post titled “Moving to Tampa” were directly inspired by keyword searches on the WA search tool and on Jaaxy.

I am thrilled to have such a powerful idea generator and inspiration tool. When I began blogging with WA, one of my biggest fears that I had was that I would run out of things to write about. The keyword generators have alleviated a lot of this concern, because they allow me to brainstorm, market test, and even stumble upon ideas for topics that I never would have considered on my own. It is for this reason that I bought a Jaaxy premium subscription. I think Jaaxy is such a valuable tool to my work that it was a worthwhile investment in my business.

The quality of the teaching on WA is superb. What I appreciate most is that every lesson forces me to write. Writing is like working out, the more you push your muscles, the easier they become to push.

I think my biggest concern is that, based on Google Analytics, I‘m still not getting any traffic. I have tried to do everything I can to get my site recognized by Google and to get the bots to crawl all over my page, and I know that my site is recognized by Google Analytics, but I wonder if there is something I am missing, some step I have left out, or some button I have failed to press or configure. But I’m pleased to know that on WA I can get help on this.

So that is my progress so far. I would very much appreciate if anyone reading this could please visit my page, and give me any feedback you believe is necessary for my improvement.

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Hi, Ephraim. I like your website appearance. As Arlet said, you need to put the posts in its category. I also did not notice any button to share your articles on social media. I will change my red text to black if were you, but that is your privilege. Thank you for your feedback on my website too.

Hi EphraimG I'm glad you are enjoying WA! You are right the lessons are super, and teach everything so well.
I checked your website, what i would recommend is add categories and a category menu, that way you can classify your posts, but your site is looking great, keep it up!

Hi Artlet. Thank you for visiting! And thanks for the feedback. I will be adding cagtegories as I develop more articles.

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