About enoziav
Rank 17536
167 followers Joined September 2015
Budding entrepreneur, writer, editor, graphic artist, animator, foodie, animal lover, self proclaimed workaholic and a die hard optimist!





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I had 3 websites hosted at WA (domain names purchased from GoDaddy)

I had to switch back to GoDaddy hosting because WA hosting doesn't allow me to upload premium themes,

Did you backup you sites before you attempted the move. If yes your ok to upload your backup, if no backup then you have to see the WA.. zeeman960

Maybe you could get in touch with Kyle or Carson they may have an answer for you. Hope you find your sites.

Messed up during hosting change?

Messed up during hosting change?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I had 3 websites hosted at WA (domain names purchased from GoDaddy)

I had to switch back to GoDaddy hosting because WA hosting doesn't allow me to upload premium themes,

Did you backup you sites before you attempted the move. If yes your ok to upload your backup, if no backup then you have to see the WA.. zeeman960

Maybe you could get in touch with Kyle or Carson they may have an answer for you. Hope you find your sites.

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm putting together a niche website which seems to have a lot of scope.

I did manage to put down a list of long tail keywords that have low QSR as advised by Kyle using

Its possible .check out backlinko brian dean skyscraper technique.terrific killer strategy. simply put.to rank page 1Google you need 2 things.
Quality content and quality backlinks.Tough but its for the iron willed personality.

See my earlier response.

Just checked. :)

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Competition with amazon & youtube for 1st page rankings?

Competition with amazon & youtube for 1st page rankings?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm putting together a niche website which seems to have a lot of scope.

I did manage to put down a list of long tail keywords that have low QSR as advised by Kyle using

Its possible .check out backlinko brian dean skyscraper technique.terrific killer strategy. simply put.to rank page 1Google you need 2 things.
Quality content and quality backlinks.Tough but its for the iron willed personality.

See my earlier response.

Just checked. :)

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I'm putting together a niche website which seems to have a lot of scope.

I did manage to put down a list of long tail keywords that have low QSR as advised by Kyle using

I think you have chosen the right kind of key words. You just cannot expect to get high rankings overnight. Getting to number one is not your aim, getting to the first page in Google is! Have you followed the WA training rigorously?

Yes I did! Thanks for your response btw. I don't expect to rank overnight, but I've heard that competing with these 2 is flatly impossible.
I'm not sure if I should be putting down 1000-2000 words of extraordinary content, spend time and money backlinking it and sharing it on social media for traffic that's as low as 100-200 visitors only to find that I can't even get there because Amazon and YouTube results cannot be competed with. :)

I am not familiar with this, but to put you a little bit at ease, I have never seen my posts competing to rank with Amazon or Youtube ads.

If the keywords you are using are within the WA advised limits for QSR and monthly traffic, then just go for it!

Oh okay. Its just that when I search for those keywords I've shortlisted, I already see Amazon and YouTube ranking for those. So I'm not really sure I should be working on those. :)

Cool! Thanks :)

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Competition with amazon products on first page?

Competition with amazon products on first page?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I'm putting together a niche website which seems to have a lot of scope.

I did manage to put down a list of long tail keywords that have low QSR as advised by Kyle using

I think you have chosen the right kind of key words. You just cannot expect to get high rankings overnight. Getting to number one is not your aim, getting to the first page in Google is! Have you followed the WA training rigorously?

Yes I did! Thanks for your response btw. I don't expect to rank overnight, but I've heard that competing with these 2 is flatly impossible.
I'm not sure if I should be putting down 1000-2000 words of extraordinary content, spend time and money backlinking it and sharing it on social media for traffic that's as low as 100-200 visitors only to find that I can't even get there because Amazon and YouTube results cannot be competed with. :)

I am not familiar with this, but to put you a little bit at ease, I have never seen my posts competing to rank with Amazon or Youtube ads.

If the keywords you are using are within the WA advised limits for QSR and monthly traffic, then just go for it!

Oh okay. Its just that when I search for those keywords I've shortlisted, I already see Amazon and YouTube ranking for those. So I'm not really sure I should be working on those. :)

Cool! Thanks :)

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I had 2 full-fledged websites running on GoDaddy before I joined WA. Naturally, I shifted to WA hosting, which had a few glitches on the way, but then, it was one thing after t

I have a few sites with HostGator for three years they are the best hosts of all for when you have an issue you can call 24/7 and talk to the techs! and they have a great Affiliated program to join so you can sell right fromn your website. HostGator and the Wealthy Affiliate are a Effective combination! Good Luck zeeman960

Wow thanks! Definitely considering it now :)

You will be very satisfied....

I am so sorry to hear you are having issues with your webiste and hosting. I had a webiste running for a few years before moving it to WA hosting. I had many issues but I contacted support and they managed to sort everything out for me in no time.. I did have a backup of my the complete website on my dropbox account prior to moving the hosting though.
I hope you get things sorted out soon.

Well I did manage to get the backup as well, but I'm struggling to get the websites back online since the last couple of weeks, but there seems to be one thing or the other going wrong.
Particularly when it comes to having premium themes installed. :(
Thanks for your kind words btw. :)

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Premium theme issues should I change to a different hosting?

Premium theme issues should I change to a different hosting?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I had 2 full-fledged websites running on GoDaddy before I joined WA. Naturally, I shifted to WA hosting, which had a few glitches on the way, but then, it was one thing after t

I have a few sites with HostGator for three years they are the best hosts of all for when you have an issue you can call 24/7 and talk to the techs! and they have a great Affiliated program to join so you can sell right fromn your website. HostGator and the Wealthy Affiliate are a Effective combination! Good Luck zeeman960

Wow thanks! Definitely considering it now :)

You will be very satisfied....

I am so sorry to hear you are having issues with your webiste and hosting. I had a webiste running for a few years before moving it to WA hosting. I had many issues but I contacted support and they managed to sort everything out for me in no time.. I did have a backup of my the complete website on my dropbox account prior to moving the hosting though.
I hope you get things sorted out soon.

Well I did manage to get the backup as well, but I'm struggling to get the websites back online since the last couple of weeks, but there seems to be one thing or the other going wrong.
Particularly when it comes to having premium themes installed. :(
Thanks for your kind words btw. :)

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I've picked up a lot of tips and tricks along the way last year- even before I was a part of WA.

Learned that creating a generalized website would be better in Google's

I think that's still a niche, healthy living. The problem with your first example is you may have restricted your niche too much and hence will be difficult to develop the site.

I didn't actually create the website. I'm just pondering over what would be correct.
I have a couple of websites up right now that are more generalized- they cover various topics revolving around beauty and fitness.

I think that's alright. I think the message here was that don't have one site that does fitness, music, sports equipment, beauty products... Basically a bunch of unrelated stuff. Yours sounds fine to me :-)

Yeah. That's what I wanted to confirm. Picked it up somewhere that such kind of sites have more authority in Google's eyes. :)
Thanks for your help.

You're welcome. And all the best!

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Generalized website or niche website?

Generalized website or niche website?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I've picked up a lot of tips and tricks along the way last year- even before I was a part of WA.

Learned that creating a generalized website would be better in Google's

I think that's still a niche, healthy living. The problem with your first example is you may have restricted your niche too much and hence will be difficult to develop the site.

I didn't actually create the website. I'm just pondering over what would be correct.
I have a couple of websites up right now that are more generalized- they cover various topics revolving around beauty and fitness.

I think that's alright. I think the message here was that don't have one site that does fitness, music, sports equipment, beauty products... Basically a bunch of unrelated stuff. Yours sounds fine to me :-)

Yeah. That's what I wanted to confirm. Picked it up somewhere that such kind of sites have more authority in Google's eyes. :)
Thanks for your help.

You're welcome. And all the best!

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