Online Marketing - You are the Brand
Your brand is who you are and what you stand for – from your core values to your visual identity. It’s a system of everything that represents you.
There are so many products and people online that we have to ask ourselves how we can stand out from the rest. Ultimately there is only one answer and that is building relationships. The numbers are ever increasing on people who buy what their friends recommend.
A good brand tells a story that connects its audience to an idea and transforms it into an experience.
We need to focus on building a strong relationship with our customers in order for them to trust us.
It is however possible to have a successful website without having a brand. The problem with this however is that the site is the authority and not you. Why is this a problem you might ask? Well if you are ever only gonna build one site then it is not a problem, however if you desire multiple sites then this is a huge problem. If the authority is carried by your site, then you have to start from scratch every time you build a new site, but if you carry the authority, then your customers will follow you wherever you go and a new site will make money for you in no time.
So how do I start branding myself?
Step # 1 is to realize that your audience is not connecting with your spouse or your cute baby or your cat, your dog, your budgie, your dream car, the moon or the sunset.
Stop hiding behind your cat, your dog or your budgie. If you don't believe in you enough to show yourself, then why should others believe in you enough to buy into what you stand for or what you promote.
Decide on the main characteristic you want to brand yourself as and get a decent picture taken of you bringing that message across. So ask yourself if you want people to know you as a loving family person, an adrenaline chunky, a professional business person, an adventurer, a fitness addict or something else and take a quality photo portraying that.
Now if you portray yourself as one characteristic, it does not mean that you don't have the other characteristics. It's just that you are choosing the characteristic that will connect the best with your specific audience.
It is of utmost importance that you look straight into the camera and your audience can see your eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul and you have to show your audience that you have nothing to hide, or do you? When a person looks away, it is often a tell sign that they are not telling the truth or that they have something to hide.
It's fine to add your cat, your dog, your cute kid or your spouse to the photo if it brings your characteristic across, as long as you are in the picture with them.
So get shooting!
You're welcome. :-)
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Recent Comments
Hi. I like your thoughts. I think it's the same for our websites, show who we are by having a good picture that connects with others. When I check someone's About Me page I really want to know about them...and see them. This helps build trust. Thanks for posting this.
Very well written Riaan , and its all very true indeed. Dont be shy or scared to show the world who and what you are, take pride in yourself and send out a positive message. We are going back to the basics of marketing here, adding that extra personal touch to whatever we do ........the waiter that served you with that smile and told you about the chefs special of the day , is always a winner with me. The sales person who went out of his/her way to find the product that suites you best and the mecahanic that fixed your car and never charged you for unnecessary spares.........these are the people best remembered and more importantly that are trusted.......the list goes on ! take care, Johan.
Hey Riaan,
Boldly put.
Great advice and an important piece to completing that "branding yourself puzzle"!
Well said.
Admirably put Riaan, a hard hitting look at marketing! You are so right, in the final analysis marketing revolves around a BRAND and if we want to establish ourselves as an authority in whatever sphere, we need to take ourselves seriously and put ourselves in the foreground WE are the brand and it really doesn't matter what we are selling, its all about building relationships based on trust and integrity.
Thank you for the heads up! The medium is indeed the message!
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Well said Riaan. I appreciate your direct way of communicating and you've helped to de-mystify the concept of branding for me.
Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad to be of service.