Energy – The Essence of Life


Reaching your goals while combating the possible pitfalls of maintaining a healthful and energetic existence is no longer your trainer’s or physician’s battle, it is yours.

– Dr. Michael Colgan -

Energy is the essence of life. Without it you cannot function effectively or achieve your goals. Your ability to manage this vital natural resource has a direct effect on your physical, mental and emotional well being.

To make the most of your life, you really need to make the most of all the energy you were born with.

To properly manage your innate energy potential, how well you are able to control many of these variables will determine how energetic you will be.

Living things have five major properties; movement, growth, reproduction, respiration and the ability to adapt to changes within the environment.

We were not born just to breath, grow old and die; we were born with a plan and a purpose in mind.

I understand that there are overweight people who have much more energy than some of those who claim to exercise and eat healthy, but the truth is that we do each live our own life and not the life of any other. So let’s not use this as an excuse not to start our road to a healthier, more energetic life. Each one of us has our own, individual, unique purpose on this planet and our own purpose, our own calling and our own destiny is all and the only things we can measure our lives by.

Maybe you are not as healthy as you should be, and maybe you have more than enough energy to do what you currently have on your plate. The truth is that none of us can outgrow our capacity, so we will never experience our full potential unless we enlarge our capacity. Do you have all the energy you need to do all you are meant to do? Are you living the kind of life that will give you the maximum years to complete all you are meant to do?

As parents, we don’t just have our own lives to live, but we also need to set the course for our children. If you are a parent, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is long life and one of the ways we can contribute to this is by being an example and encourage our children to live healthy lives through healthy habits.

A healthy lifestyle is the beginning of leaving a legacy. Let’s be a better spouse, let’s be a better parent or grandparent, let’s be a better friend and the time has come to be a better you.

I believe in you. You can do it!

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Recent Comments


I think health has always been our responsibility, but over the last 20 years or so, the shift has been to an expectation of semi passing the buck somewhere else.

I think without it, we will not have the energy to function to the best of our ability. Or, be the best we can be towards those and everything around us.

Thought provoking post, Riaan, thanks!

So glad you found this helpful.

great article

Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it.

You are so right Riaan - be the best YOU that you can be!

The Great news - Wealthy Affiliate - will ALSO - help with that.

"How " - you ask -- Just get involved and you will find out for yourself! :)

Your comment is much appreciated.

Sometimes we concentrate on managing time but actually managing our energy levels is even more important - agree. Good post

Thanks so much for your valuable input. Really appreciate it.

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