thinking ….????
All of the support is encouragement has helped keep me on trying and not give up on this! I really do hope to create something amazing😍 through WA.
The only thing is, I’m not to sure what to chose for my niche… I wanted to do affiliate marketing(selling stuff) but I’m not to sure how to get started or how to find brands that I could combined with and start off by selling ppl there product until I get mine own stuff going.
Do you know what I mean?
Or is WA just for bloggers and informational websites?
Recent Comments
Hello, Punk Peach,
You can do this so never lose faith, how are you doing with choosing your niche and target audience
Hi, Emily. Diane and Michael have got you covered. But, to try to help,
What do you like to do more than anything in your everyday life? Do you know a lot about it? Or do you know a lot of little things about it? (For example: I love Science, and I know a bunch about Science stuff (I think, but nowhere the knowledge a real scientist would have), but what I know is a bunch of little bits of the Science subject.)
It would be best if you chose a niche that you are knowledgeable in and liked/loved.
The only other thing I will add is, if you start to not like/hate what your'e doing, then stop. If something you love turns into something you hate it is not worth doing anymore.
I hope this helps.
Hi - the first thing to remember is that a niche is not a product but a subject you can help a specific audience with.
You will be expected to write a lot of content on your chosen niche, everything original, nothing copied and pasted.
Therefore, it makes sense that it should be a subject you are genuinely interested in and have some knowledge of, or at the very least, would enjoy researching.
You need to write helpful, informative articles, as this is what brings visitors to your site.
Once you have visitors, you can start recommending appropriate products to them.
So, you need to find a subject you can write a lot about.
If all you plan on doing is adding products to a website, you will have to pay for traffic.
Ask yourself a question. What gets you excited that you can help sell? Clothing? Do you have any hobbies that includes things that people sell?
Then with that go to the niche finder and see if you can find something that will keep you interested.
Get started here: Getting Rolling! Frank 🎸