WA Course 1 Complete
So I've finally reached the end of Course 1. I've been a premium member now for roughly 3 weeks and I've enjoyed every minute. The support has been excellent and I'm chuffed with where I am.
Finally the puzzle is comng together thanks to the lessons being well structured and organised. I've a website in place, plug-ins in order and I'm building pages. I'm going at my own pace due to other life commitments but I can't wait to get home in the evenings to tip away for an hour or two while my wife watches the soaps. It couldn't be a happier household ...Lol!
I always have these words in my head, " In order to achieve happiness, invest in the process, not in the outcome"..........
I'm loving this and I couldn't be happier.
Thank you Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle, Carson, Team members and the WA community.
Recent Comments
Good effort Edser, getting through the first course is a bit of a milestone in itself. Keep up your good efforts!