My progress from the Beginning until Now.
I was very nervous to start something new and still a little bit nervous. I have gotten a lot better and starting to understand some of the process of writing a post and getting a lot better than my first one I have written. I am extremely happy I have started this whole process and can't wait to see where it leads me. I want to make this a huge success for myself and my family. I have 3 published posts on my website and working on 2 more. Out of those posts two of them have been indexed on Google and I am hoping the third one will be soon. This whole writing thing is still extremely new and hard for me to do but with the more I do it the better I am getting. I am trying to set some goals for myself that I am trying harder and harder each day to reach. It has taken me far longer than I wanted to, to get to where I am at now in the training. But I am really enjoying it, so I am going to set some goals for the next 3 months and the next 6 months. My 3-month goals are to get all my posts that I write to be indexed on Google. Another one will be to see my first revenue come in. For my 6-month goals are going to be see a steady income each month. And another goal is going to be to start another website and a whole new niche. I want to be able to make this my daily living to where I can stay home and work from home each and every day. I want to say thank you to everyone out there that has helped me during the process so far.
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Appreciate you sharing your progress with us Justin!
Keep up the great work my friend and all the very best moving forward!