Use your own ChatGPT questions/answers as posts
If you're ever wondering about what to post on your blog (as if you would with the myriad of suggestions here), here's an idea.
I am always asking questions of ChatGPT. Sometimes it's trivia, but sometimes it's marketing based. Maybe a technical question?
If I ask ChatGPT a question about affiliate marketing or anything to do with my niche, I use the question/answer as the basis of a post.
I figure that if I ask the question, others will be asking it too, so if ChatGPT (or Roscoe as I call it) comes up with a good answer, use it for your own benefit.
So just a quick tip for you if you're a newbie. No matter how obscure you think your question is, someone else will want to know, and that's the basis of attracting traffic.
Sometimes, the simple things work best.
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It's just a lot easier than saying ChatGPT. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it? 😂
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Love the idea Dave! Thanks for the share my friend! :-)