One of my biggest fears - Tinnitus!

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One of my biggest fears came true!!!!!

Just a quick word of warning to those that may not know!

After a recent accident and surgery I was on Pain Meds, Oxycodone!

Also had to take Aspirin to avoid blood clots!

The above medication caused Tinnitus ( Ringing in the Ears )!!!

I remember the second it happened and prayed to God this

would immediately disappear! It did not! I called my Surgeon, my

Primary Doctor and the Pharmacist! They all said it would go away!

It did from One Ear and for this I am Thankful! The other Ear still

rings and praying it will go!

I had a complete auditory test done and my Hearing is Perfect!

There are only 2 ways you get Tinnitus.

1. Damage to your Inner Ear.

2. A Disconnect in your Auditory Sensory System in your brain.

Caused by Medication, Trauma, Accident, Stress and many more!

If I had known this could happen by Pain Medication I would have opted

out and taken Prescription Tylenol!

Anyway just wanted people to know as Tinnitus is a Huge problem that

there is no absolute cure for! To those that have Tinnitus I Empathize

and I will continue to research this to the bitter end as I do every


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So sorry to hear this Doug. Thanks for sharing. Maybe you will find something that works for you!

Thank you Wanda and sure hope so:)

All the Best,

Sorry to hear that, Doug. I will keep you in my prayers.

Thank you Mick and appreciated:)
Keep well,

I regret to hear that you are facing this problem. I do not know how it is, but I can imagine that is very disturbing. Have you tried any special saline solution for ears? Often they help. And avoid the pills, as much as possible.

Get well soon,

Sorry to hear that, Doug. I'm so sorry for everyone who has to suffer such a horrible condition. My boyfriend suffers it as well, he never speaks about it only told me once but he doesn't like silence for that reason, when he goes to sleep he needs to listen to some music to suppress the ringing.
Keep doing research, dear friend, I hope you'll find some cure for that.

Thanks for sharing with us Doug, wish something work out for you do you research and see what can be done to help you my friend. Fitzgerald

Thank you Fitzgerald and I do too for me and all the others:)
Happy New Year to you:)

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