What is TopBuzz?


I just got an invite to TopBuzz and wondered if anyone had any information or experience with it?

Considering how YouTube has changed up it's parameters making it much harder for beginners there to monetize their videos, I was just wondering if maybe TopBuzz might be a decent alternative!

Thanks all for any information ya' might have!


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Hello all....I am a newbie.. What exactly have I signed up for here? How will it benefit me? What is best way to utilize this platform?

Hi there Cassandra, this platform is for creating websites for affiliate marketing, local marketing, blogging or even if you just need a website for your brick and mortar business.

There are two major courses... Certification up to your left in the green and Affiliate Bootcamp on your left in the black tab.

Certification course teaches you how to build a website for your business or affiliate marketing and actually a bunch of different uses.

The Affiliate Bootcamp course is for building a website to promote WA.

Both courses are potent and excellent training for which ever direction you'd like to go. Personally, I'd recommend the Cert course but it's really up to you.

WA really makes it easy for you to get started building websites and once you start one of the courses you'll be surprised just how quick you'll have a site up and actually live.

Look around as much as you can but be sure and start one of the courses so you can truly get a grasp as to what you stumbled onto.

Be sure and shout if ya' need anything!


I already have a website, YouTube Channel, and blog. I have meditations and classes I want to package, market, and sell on my site. I do not know how to proceed with this. I don’t believe I need certification, etc... I will just check out all that is offered here. Thank you.

Hiya Cassandra, hopefully you've had a chance to look around a bit.

Actually, the Certification Course will show you exactly how to do what you're wanting to. You'll get all the tools and knowledge that you need. It's really just a matter of your desires and discipline.

Let me know if I can help!

I would do some investigating, looking for favorable reviews as well as unfavorable reviews. Count each, read each and be informed. This will allow you to determine if it is the right thing for you to do.

Absolutely... thank you!

You're welcome!

Check out this favorable review randy and vet it against others to zero in on accuracy!

I didn't get the review Mike. Thx.

Here it is. Sorry about that! https://review.easycounter.com/top-buzz.com-reviews

Ahhh, thank ya' so much Mike... I'll do a little more looking into this after din-din tonight!

I love that term din din. Memorable copy is a news article some yeas ago showing photographs of death row prisoners last din dins!

A lot of steaks and baked potatoes, eh?

Actually it was weird stuff like mint chocolate chip ice-cream!

I love that stuff with a passion... (-;

I didn't know about it but I'd like to check it out do I need an invite?

Hey there Wayne, I think you do need an invite. I'm out on the road right now but when I get home I'll fire up the big PC and double check everything and if it does for sure, I'll send you one

Hey on another note, I don't see you around much... So it's great seeing you partner!

Thanks I'm trying be more active here

Ey there Wayne... doesn't appear to be by invite. Looks like you can just go to http://topbuzz.com/ and sign up there. I'll post a couple of vids tonight and see if it's similar to YouTube. I may just have to experiment around with it a wee bit to get more info.

Cheers partner!

Thanks I just created mine and uploaded a video

Good deal Wayne, I'll get to it in a few minutes!

Thanks for sharing, Randy.

You bet Roger, wouldn't it be awesome if we could find another alternative to YouTube AdSense?

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