Keyword Map and Content Structure Example


I thought I would share how I work on my building out my site. It's a "Never Ending Story" to say the least, but it keeps me on track and focused on the low hanging fruit. ( I like Passion fruit)

I have this on a .txt file for ease of the many changes needed and it's always open on my desk top. All data is from Google Adwords Tool.

The fields are Monthly Visits/Competition/Adwords Cost

I'll be converting all this over to Jaaxy searches soon. You can export a .txt file from Jaaxy then move the text around so that it makes sence to you. I hope you can use this to maybe "see" your site layout in your head and to do more keyword research. Don

Web Site:

Primary Keyword: Meditation For Beginners 8,100 Med $2.01

Category: meditation techniques 12,100 Med $2.37

- meditation techniques for anxiety 210 Med $1.38
- meditation techniques for beginners 2,400 Low $1.72
- meditation techniques for concentration 50 Low ----
- zen meditation techniques 260 Med $2.39
- chakra meditation techniques 320 Low ----
- meditation techniques for stress 320 Med $2.14
- buddhist meditation techniques 480 Low ----
- self hypnosis 9,900 Med $1.63

Category: mindfulness meditation 8,100 Med $2.25

- mindfulness meditation techniques 390 Med $1.92
- loving kindness meditation 3,600 Low $2.71
- mindfulness exercises 3,600 Low $2.08
- mindfulness training 1,900 High $1.83
- mindfulness meditation audio 390 Med $0.95
- mindfulness meditation benefits 140 Low $2.96
- mindfulness quotes 1,300 Low $1.30
- guided mindfulness meditation 720 Low $1.97

Category: meditation for beginners 8,100 Med $1.86

- buddhist meditation for beginners 70 Low $3.61
- types meditation techniques 30 Low ----
- free meditation techniques for beginners 50 Med $0.79
- guided meditation for beginners 260 Low $2.26
- meditation tips beginners 40 Low ----
- transcendental meditation For beginners 90 Med $2.83
- zen meditation for beginners 40 Med $1.68
- yoga techniques beginners 20 Low ----
- meditation for dummies 480 Med $0.94
- chakra meditation for beginners 140 Med $1.05
- meditation for beginners jack kornfield 170 Med $1.52

Category: guided meditation 33,100 Low $2.31

- guided meditation youtube 2,900 Low $1.88
- guided meditation sleep 3,600 Low $1.50
- guided buddhist meditation 320 Low $2.29
- online guided meditation 210 Low $1.85
- guided meditation audio 1,600 Low $1.08
- free guided meditation mp3 170 Med $1.66
- guided meditation script 1,600 Low $2.52
- guided imagery 5,400 Low $1.72

Category: benefits of meditation 5,400 Low $2.52

- benefits of zen meditation 50 Low ----
- health benefits of meditation 480 Low $2.51
- spiritual benefits of meditation 70 Low $2.99
- benefits of meditation research 50 Low -----
- benefits of transcendental meditation 110 Low $4.36
- benefits of guided meditation 40 Low ----

Category: meditation music 49,500 Low $2.08

- meditation music free download 260 High $1.43
- relaxation music 9,900 Low $1.56
- meditation music sleep 1,300 Low $1.61
- nature music 1,300 Low $1.15
- zen meditation music 1,300 Low $2.72
- meditation music download 480 Medium $1.29
- free guided meditation 1900 Med $1.78
- youtube meditation music 2400 Low $2.71

Category: chakras 49,500 Low $1.37

- chakra meditation 6,600 Low $1.64
- opening chakras 1,000 Low $2.16
- chakras for beginners 1,300 Low $1.34
- balancing chakras 720 Low $1.39
- chakra stones 3,600 High $0.63
- 7 chakras 8,100 Low $1.52
- chakras colors 880 Low $1.29
- chakras symbols 110 Low ----
- chakra definition 1300 Low $1.32

Let me know if you have any questions. Don

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Recent Comments


Excellent site Don. I'd have to say I am still a newbie when it comes to meditation, I've dabbled a bit in mindful meditation techniques when I lost my father a couple years ago and can't be thankful enough for the recommendation from my therapist as a meaningful way to cope with the stress that comes along with that sort of life event.
Your site is quite inspiring both for meditation AND for great content in the internet marketing sense. Well done and I will be sure to check back often for some more great tips on the subject :)

Thank you so very much. I'm glad you found value from meditation in your time of need. Thank you for the web site comments, the site is a BIG labor of love. PM me if I can answer any questions about meditation. Don

I do love your site and your mission. I plan on making a daily visit, but probably not until the holidays are done.

Thank you very much Donna. My hope is that you would find information regardless of background or beliefs that would lead you to a deeper connection with yourself and your higher power. Don

P.S. I retired in 2007 from 27 years in the Air Force, tell you husband I said thank you for his service.

I will do that, Don. I thank you and your family, too. Sometimes we forget to add the families that put up with so much. I often will go up to wives I see who are obviously military and thank them for their service, as one wife to another. It means a great deal to them. It was obvious that your site was not connected to any specific faith, and I appreciated that...though in no way does that mean I have no specific faith of my own. Just sometimes it is pleasant to find a spiritual source without boundaries. You are doing a great thing.

Thanks, yes without those family members on the other end the military can be a very lonely place oddly enough.

You are right, I try not to bring any dogma at all, although it is sometimes hard with the different meditation traditions in the east. So, many Americans don't understand that meditation is not connected to religion anymore than yoga is.

It has been connected to religion by some traditions but the pure essence of meditation is a physical and mental healing process.

My job is to bring the meditation principles to those that want to know more and let them decide what to do with it. Don

Thanks for posting this, it's something to aspire to. I looked at your site, it's beautifully laid out. I am such a beginner. I do have a question - What is your main source of income from this site?

Also, I went to your products store and it took me away from your site with no way to get back except through back clicking or my history. Is this your store or an affiliate? I have so much to learn!!!

Thanks Janne, you've heard "the money is in the list" and it's the same as it was 10 years ago online. Social media returns are around 1-3% on average unless you are really skilled in that area. It's best to find one thing that works, get good at that and find another marketing direction to learn.

I've had this domain for about 3 years but just got serious with the site in the last few months. I just moved the entire site over from another hosting company yesterday so I have to go and fine pictures to re-upload again.

Since the site is just a few months old I'm here just like you are learning how to build a site WA style. As far as the money goes, I have 14 meditation products that I have developed so most of the money other than the email list will come from those products as it's almost 100% profit. I also teach at Meetups and work with clients by phone.

Thanks for letting me know about the link to the There's a plugin that will allow the link to open in a new window. That site belongs to my wife so we work together on our sites as needed. It's an interesting site that is built entirely on an open source shopping cart called ZenCart. We will be installing a WordPress site within the cart after the first of the year.

I know you feel there is so much to learn, I started my journey part time, on and off from 2000. However I've never been in a structured learning environment like WA. I can tell you that you are in the very best place to learn about internet marketing.

There are lots of people who have "been there and done that', this is just a skill that anyone can learn but it does take time and some money like any business.

Sorry to be so long winded on this, just shoot me any question at anytime you need to. I would ask you from one trainer to another, how bad do you really want this?

You have to give yourself 3 full months of following WA's lead and you will be very, very surprised at how you feel then. Let me know if I can help in anyway. Don

I love your site.

Thank you Brez, I hope you were able to find value in the site. Don

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