My First website
Well, I did it I built my first website I could not have done it without the training and it is not complete yet will work on it more.I have a lot of Ideas for it. My husband was like what are you doing you don't know how to do that stuff and I was like yes I can the training taught me so the website came from him picking a topic and I researched his topic then read what I came up with so then we picked a name.
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Hello twillmon34,
my website when fully complete will be about muscle building/
weight loss using whey protein mix and high protein weight loss
Hello Paul,
Thank you, I could not help myself if someone had told me
5 days ago that I would build a website I would have laughed
but thanks to the great training and all the helpful people here
I did it but it still needs a lot of work but it will get done.
Hello Paul,
Thank you, I could not help myself if someone had told me
5 days ago that I would build a website I would have laughed
but thanks to the great training and all the helpful people here
I did it but it still needs a lot of work but it will get done.
and when you finish one section GO BACK AND DO IT AGAIN
trust me you will have missed something!!!
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Congratulations! Well done. The key is getting the website built. The rest comes after. One step at a time. It is really great that you got your husband involved, or even that he noticed what you were doing and inquired about it. Not all of us have that. :) I wish you all the best!
Thank you, the only reason I was able to build the website was
That the training here at WA is so good and I plan on working on it today step by as I do the training.
A very wise decision, always! Best wishes! I look forward to seeing how it develops. :)
Thank you, MizButke