eMail Overload?
Email overload?
At first thought, how dare they tell me what to do with MY subscriptions! Nope, I will not do that. Then…
... I must admit that – that was great advice. So to whoever suggested that, "Thank you!"
Since moving forward with WA’s courses I have an abundance of emails arriving at all hours of the day. I have spent more time trying to organizing my email folders (creating rules to direct correspondence into their respective groups) than I care to admit.
I will now go through and unsubscribe to email lists that I have not visited this year
(I know – I know, the year just began but I have to begin somewhere).
Cheers Everyone!
Recent Comments
Stay focused! At the bottom of your. Account page, you can select the type of emails you want tonreceive.
Very glad to know this feature. I learn more and more each day within the WA community. Y'all are the BEST! Thank you.
Here is a way to manage your email, Deborah. Best Ways to Manage Your Wealthy Affiliate Emails All the best and more!
Control that inbox or it will control you, looks like you are getting things under control Deborah. It can be a real time saver.
It can be an issue and sometimes we just need to pull the pin, it is hard sometimes just deleting can be a real good option.
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Nice New Years resolution. Those email filters are a great investment for saving a huge amount of time.