WA Is The Best Prove To Me I'm Wrong

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A short rant on desperate marketers and/or affiliates that make affiliate marketing look bad.

A friend of mine through here asked that I join his Mastermind Group.

I did because I see value in them if they are done correctly, and you learn a lot from each other just like we all do here at WA.

Well not long after joining and Facebook's extremely nice algorithm chimed in for it's two-cents.

I started getting all these sponsored Mastermind Group ads in my feed.

I changed my preference to hide the ads of this type because they are irrelevant to me.

Still seeing the ads a couple days later and notice other WA friends like certain people with Mastermind Groups and not once have I clicked on any of the ads waiting for Facebook to kick in with my request.

Now move to today and I have three messages from messenger which I rarely use in the first place.

I click to open them and they are all from the same person.

Trying to get me into his MLM, or Mastermind Group, or something, or other.

This is where I should have saved some screenshots from our conversation.

I politely let the guy know I was not interested and left it at that. (yes I was polite)

He then responds back telling me how great of an opportunity I'm passing up on and asks if I watched the video in the 2nd message he sent me.

I laughed to myself and thought okay he's persistent, but I'm still not interested in what he has to offer.

I responded with, "still not interested but thank you again I'm a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I'm happy with that."

He sends another message (now I'm pissed), he states, "Yeah I tried them out there nothing but scam artist and you don't make any money if you came with me you'll be making $5,000 a month in no time."

At that point, I knew he was talking out the bottom of his you know what.

Where I politely typed (this is polite to me), "Never contact me again you desperate little piece of S***."

When I realized I could block him which I promptly did before the message was sent.

I looked through my friend's list right after and well he was one of the new ones I accepted right after joined the mastermind group.

Glad I have a personal Facebook and a separate one for this type of activity.

I opted out of the Mastermind Group and deleted all the new friend request I received from that group.

I've heard stories in the past where this happens all the time, and well this was my first experience.

I just want to say I'm glad I came across WA before something like that happened and I did not give up on affiliate marketing.

I ended up rejoining my friends Mastermind Group just not accepting friend request from that group anymore.

Now try and convince me that this is not the BEST group on the internet where we all learn from each other. I'm waiting!


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We are working to prove you right, and to consistent validate your decision to go premium and to embrace the community here at WA.

I really do look forward to working with you moving forward. :)

WA is the best!

WA is the best indeed!

Wish you great success!


Yes, this is the best group. A mastermind group is an excellent idea, if it is done right. In a sense, some of the people in the SAC have become that for me. You find people who are on the same wave length and working for the same goal, and you can really help each other. Hope the group you are in works out.

Been there...done that..,got the


Those MLMrs are go-getters. They have to be to live up to their own hype. Glad you landed here first.

Oh I know there go-getters I have family in ACN, but they have never (at least to me) been that pushy. Then again they know how I'd talk to them. (not good)

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