Got the UnMotivated Feeling

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I'm not the one UnMotivated.

First lets see if anyone catches that and gives me a comment trying to lift my spirits or tell me something inspiring.

I deal with people everyday that are uninspired to change their live's for the better.

I hate to say it but it's true.

Those are the people that continue to inspire me.

If we can get through to the people that can't see the other side it's a good thing. We as a whole need to be there for those others that can't open the door for themselves.

Right now all we can do is all we can do and that's enough. Everything is all we can do!

The bridge between reality and a dream is work are you ready to put the work in?

We control how hard we work, how honest we are and how we deal with others. Learning each step is a motivation, when you see it and when you do it, you want to do more.

It feels good to be like that! You want to keep striving. Don't stop! Stay busy evaluate what you are doing. Make the changes necessary to keep yourself motivated in life.

Without the effort of you making the changes you will not quit on yourself, don't f*&^ the opportunity up.

If you are feeling unmotivated change things up. Try something new and if that doesn't work don't ever give up keep moving and striving to change yourself.

Never back down on your site never give up on your site.

For some of us our inspiriation was and is something to go out and change the world. Don't ever forget that. Don't quit, don't ring the bell, don't slap your hand down to give up.

You want to do what's easy? Quit, that's easy.

My every other three or two or monthly or whatever it is how often I post rant.


Treat everyone kind you won't regret it!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we get a bit down, but thankfully with encouragement we pick up the pieces and move forward again.

Sometimes we need to rant.
Have a great weekend.

Making the necessary changes is important.

Hi Jason

Great post i totally agree but everyone gets their down days i work in an intense job it is something that i have already chosen to leave because of the traveling i have had to do and how tired i get but i have another job nearer to my home which i start in a couple of weeks and i am looking forward to it i have lots to look forward to in my life.
Chin up to people who lose inspiration it is hard at times but it can only get better.

I like your rants. Full of fire! Cheers AJ

Thanks so much for sharing!

Wish you great success!


Thoughtful post Jason, if we can drop a pebble in the pond of others as well as dropping pebbles in our own ponds then we all set a thousand waves in motion.


Hi dear
I like your post.
Hard work is never easy. Quitting is sooo easy and quick.
But we got nothing by quitting, for everything we want in life, we have to work.
Thanks for the reminder.

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