An Offer That Could Not Be Refused

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Why the Change In Mind

The offer was something that any one would have taken being in my field of work.

I'm able to work with client's one on one. I get to set my own schedule. I am able to continue doing outreach in Chinatown (the links are not affiliate related, links to were I am from and the people I deal with).

I can continue to do groups (the thing I LOVE TO DO)!

Then there is a side benefit of more $$$$, that's besides the point when I started doing this, I was just happy to be doing it and still am.

Why it Works

This works for the Blog I have started. I suck at writing and finally showed my supervisor that originally hired me to do what I do, what I was doing and well he agreed. I suck at writing and said, "You need to proof read some of this sh^* you post, but it's cool I like it."

He has agreed to help me write all the technical jargon and I'll continue with the stories and he will proof read. My first hire that want's lunch as payment every other week.

You may think that's nothing but this guy is 6'7" 260 solid pounds I might rather pay him then feed him.

It works for school, it works for the family life and works for my sanity in being a drug and alcohol counselor.

I'm grateful for what I learn everyday and how I more of late just been living in the moment.

Slowing Down

This is a slow down in pace. We all need that every now and again. We can get burned out especially those of us that have multiple things going on in life. We also need to remember that this is not a race and it can take a year or years to see the results we would like to see in this.

Don't give up because it may be overwhelming, or afraid, or start listening to all the self-doubt.

"the lesson is simple the student is complicated." Barbara Rasp

Again this is just for me to get myself motivated, but I do like to share everyonce in a while. It's been a while and time to stop feeling anxious and start staying in the moment, life passes us by when we are anxious or looking back.

Stay in the moment and you'll be happy and free (or at least it's the case for me). Time to Slow Down.


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Recent Comments


Sounds like a great deal (even though I have no idea how much a 260 pound man can eat)!
I wish you all the best!


It seems to be a really great idea!


It sounds perfect for you--congratulations!!

Sounds like you have the right idea.

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