The Customer Purchase Lifecycle


After reading the whole training of the Customer Purchase Lifecycle, I understood many things:

1. I now know how I HAVE BEEN making my own online purchases: Through looking for information and reviews online, making a decision and finally paying for something.

2. Marketing in this day and age is on a whole new level: I have never studied marketing as a subject until now, but something that's pretty clear to me is that the internet created a revolution from the classic "show and sell" strategy that most people where used to through TV and magazines, online marketing is an entire universe!

3. We might not notice it, but we're constantly looking for information about a product or service and our decisions to buy things or not are 100% influenced by this information, it's crazy!

I think there's a lot more to this topic and this part of the training was probably a little (but very effective and eye-opening) taste of how marketing works, can't wait to keep learning about this! Thank you guys! :)

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Thanks for following me. Good luck on your future endeavors

I know how you feel Dianfer. When I first started researching marketing I thought sure I can make a website and put out an ad campaign and then I'll be rich. Well come to find out it is so much more to it than that. There really is a psychology to marketing.

Exactly!! Well said! :)

I know it was mind-opening. That part got me thinking too and realigned my thoughts about writing.

Thank you for sharing. Marketing is indeed a vital part of our businesses! Glad you enjoyed the lessons. We learn a lot here. I learn something new every day!

With 2020 Vision,
Karin 😎

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