I just achieved my Level 2 Certification!
Thanks For Your Help!
I know I never would have gotten here without all the help I received at WA. not to mention how kind everybody has been, how's it been willing to answer questions however dumb them it seemed to be, and just the overall Goodwill to one another in this community.
I'm just thrilled with what's going on with my website. Learning to do new things as a matter of fact I did not know that you could add an image to help your blogs. I just learned that right now just a minute ago. and last night I was having coffee with a friend and she wanted to see my website so she got on the phone and typed in my website and it came right up on its own Internet Explorer that is so cool! I'm just thrilled with what's going on with my website. came up that's amazing and my friends going to buy some boots from me on my website. Now I'm going to learn about email marketing. A way to mass-market! I'm so excited!
Anyone who is just starting-no matter what-don't quit! You can take a break if need be but don't give up! I almost did. But look now; After only barely 4 months into it, I have built a nice website and it's moving along nicely. I had hardly any idea about how to build a website in the first place.
Kyle and Dale did not give up on me and I thank them both for helping me. I also thank countless others who extended their hand when I got stuck! Yay yay yay!
Recent Comments
Good evening Denise,
You are really moving forwards, well done.
Greetings from the south of Spain,
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Congratulations Denise :)