Best of the Worst Days
I just waved good-bye to a nice income stream of $36,000 per year and didn't know how I was going to replace it timely. In my past, this would have sent me into a panic and into overdrive mode. Yet, since I have been here and learned a big truth about being diversified, I took time to assess if it was a good thing or bad thing that has just happened.
I took it as a bad good thing. My client has been using me for his company for 3 years and was very consistent on the needs to keep his company in a high state of inspiration. I would go in once a month to speak to new employees and explain to them techniques to help them stay inspired and how to make a sale (the client double dipped me on coaching and sales, I said he got me good).
I enjoyed having it as a part of my monthly schedule and I was always hyped to see how I can be better than the last time. Seeing past employees return to my engagements made me have new material each time. Their gratitude and compliments of how they stayed motivated way pass the first time and coming back for a pick me up inspired me to continue.
This was the good thing of the good bad. The bad was the client sold his company and the new owner is moving it to another city where I cannot fit in my schedule and he is not sure of continuing this practice (not surprising to wipe a $36K off the books to start). The combination of the two seems to work out now and I am happy for the previous owner and a bit concerned for the new one. My sincere hope is my services will be requested from the employees that departed and I can stick it to him (honestly, I'd do it for less but you have to have a standard).
With all this being said, you would think I would be running around with my head cut off...nope. Just the opposite, I am taking this time to look more into my WA items which I have put on the back burner. I haven't finished my motivational website, I haven't marketed any other item except me and finish any additional training (jeez, I am a 10-year newbie again). I will say without all the training I did have here and with all the help I couldn't have gotten to a state where I can sit back and take some me time.
For all the newbies, hang in there and stay the course. It may be some years down the road but if you do, you can relax, assess, relax and enjoy your labor without stress over the next dollar. I am already working the new plan and it does look promising.
Take care and I wish you all much success
"Failure is an option... I choose not to take it"
Recent Comments
Anthony, so good to hear you taking stock and not spiralling away like many of us would. Thank you for sharing also, as there will be 'knocks' along the way for all of us.
It’s good to take a time out and reflect. You may be a 10 years newbie but you have done it before so you know you can do it again. Good luck to you.