How Long Until You See Success With WA Premium?

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Hello folks! I hope you are doing great with your business!

I just wanted to share some insights from my personal opinion and the results that I achieved with the WA Premium membership so far.

I want to share with you my success and answer the most common question, how long until I see results (earnings) with WA, I am sure if you work hard patiently you will achieve your first earnings as soon as possible.

Just like I said, this is my opinion and my results, there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same as me.

I am primarily focused on Premium membership here at WA because with the Starter membership it will take much longer.

Your First Month as a Premium (No Earnings!)

The first month is the hardest one, at least it was for me. So, when you are a Premium member the complete platform and training are unlocked for you. Most people think that if you pay Premium earnings will come faster, but they will not come because you have to work!

Just because you paid Premium does not guarantee that you will make money, you paid Premium to unlock all the tools and training you need to succeed and you have to use that tools properly.

Your first month is getting to know the platform, communicating on the platform, researching, and following the training. You can't expect to make money and you still don't know where you really are.

Your Second and Third Month (Earnings? Maybe!)

Now is the time for ACTION! Follow the training, and apply everything you learn immediately on your blog that you created in the FIRST month. Of course, that ACTION can start earlier, in the first month, but it all depends on you and your time!

You need to actively work on CONTENT, at least 2 to 3 per week, but if you have more time then you should publish more.

The image below shows some of my earnings after 3 months, thanks to doing affiliate marketing on my blog which WA teaches us to do.

When you enter the second month you should already have a base. By base, I primarily mean a blog created in a certain niche, whether it is fitness, weight loss, cooking, fashion, pets, or nutrition, you decide for yourself.

The earnings probably will not come yet but if you work hard everything is possible!

Period From 4-6 Months

When you successfully get through the first three months, you already made it. Most people give up in the first 3 months and they don't even know they are on the verge of success!

This was my earnings after 5 months of hard work! Not some big cash but I was very satisfied and I confirmed to myself that WA training work and that I will not repent upgrading to Premium membership.

In the 4th and 6th months, the most important thing is to continue writing and publishing articles on your blog, which is a minimum of 2-3 times a week. In these months, your blog broke through on Google and received significantly more visits than it was in the first 3 months.

You can expect up to 100-200 visits a day in these months. Also, in this period, you should throw in the monetization of your blog, when regular visits start, then you can start with EARNINGS.

Period From 6-12 Months (You Made it!)

This is the period when your blog starts to be authoritative on the internet. Google is familiar enough with your site and gives you the ability to rank high in the position which will result in great blog visits.

Remember, the higher the website traffic = the higher the earning potential.

My earning after 9 months of hard work!

In the period of 6-12 months, you will feel the incredible popularity of your blog and yourself. Companies and individuals will contact you to work with you. You will be popular on the street as well, if of course, you have your picture on the blog, at least that is the case with me lol.

If you have successfully monetized your blog in the previous months, now the earnings will "explode". You can expect up to $1000 + per month, of course, it all depends on what you do on your blog. Some niches are more profitable and some are not.

To Sum Up

For someone, 6-12 months is a long period of time, but where do you see yourself in those 6-12 months? If you see yourself in the same place where you are now, at the same job, nervous, stressed, or dissatisfied, then why not invest that time to make your online business far more profitable than any "offline" business?

Invest in yourself, become a Premium member, work hard and you will achieve awesome results in the next 3 months, I can guarantee you!

I wish you great online success! Keep working hard!


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Recent Comments


Hi Danijel,

The best thing about your post is it gives encouragement to those who are sitting on the fence if this works or not. I like how you hoghlifghted three critical components.

1) Learn what WA teaches
2) Execute consistently
3) Never give up

There are many variables between members. Like the niche. How consistent they are working their business. And having the foresight to analyse their results and make changes when necessary.

Sadly there are some people who will keep doing the same thing over and over again, even if they are getting no results because they think just working hard will do it.

You got to work hard doing the right things. And that is where most people fail.

Thanks for your insightful post.


Thanks, Edwin! I completely agree with you!

You're most welcome.


Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this!

You're welcome, Vlad!

Thanks for sharing.
I wish I was getting those results!

You're welcome, Lisa! It will come, just keep working! :D
No one can have the same results, there are many factors but quitting is not the option.

I am my friend :-)

This is great info to know, especially for a newbie like myself. It’s very motivating and reinforces that once you get that snowball rolling (the hardest part) and gain momentum, the snowball will pickup speed and grow more and more.

Thank you for sharing.

That's right Mike! Keep working and that snowball effect will come for sure!

Will do!

You're rocking it, Danijel! Very motivating, indeed!


Thanks, Jeff!

You're very welcome, Danijel!

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