Where is my Success !


After two weeks at WA, i asked myself this question so i could reflect on the journey so far. I already knew the answer, but wanted to engage my brain in thought. Here is the answer to "Where is my Success!!".

First of all, myself, along with everyone here, was a success before coming to WA altho' we may not have thought of it in those terms. Here is my reasoning.

All of us come from various backgrounds and have had our own obstacles, trials and tribulations, and hard times to endure and overcome. Having gotten thru all of these has made us successful. And here are a couple of examples of mine:

1) I have lived on this planet for 57+ years = Success

2) driven accident free for all of my adult years = Success

3) Navigated teen years with 3 beautiful daughters = HUGE SUCCESS (although it was probably more of a success for them actually.... hah !!)

The list is endless and if each of us thinks back i'm sure the list would be endless on the experiences that have actually made us successful. I count my first week (starter member) in WA as being in the womb, being fed and nourished in preparation for the world ahead. And now, after two weeks of being a premium member i now have a newfound meaning to the word "success" and here is what i've experienced.

1) New knowledge of Internet Marketing and the Web in general = Success

2) A growth within myself that i never knew existed = Success

3) An interaction with so many wonderful people here whom have all renewed my sense of community, caring, sharing, and desire for the betterment and success of all those around them.

So, in essence, "Where is my Success" is easy to answer and i can tell you i will be eternally greatful for all of the help, guidance, and friendship i have found here and i will do my part, if only now that is offering words of encouragement in all of your endeavors.

Here is what my brain is like now:

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart for all of your support and assistance. I will continue to give all that i can.

Now tell me, what is the story of your success?... Let me know, because i have been so fulfilled by reading your profiles, blogs, articles, etc., and would love to learn more...

FINAL NOTE: Here is another success... my first ever placement of images on my pages.... Woooooohoooooo !!! (Baby Steps)

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Great blog Dan...sometimes if asked what you've achieved in life it's too easy to give a quick, glib answer like "oh not much", but when you actually think about it - like you have here - most of us have done some pretty great things with our lives.

I've also survived 57 years without ever having any real health issues, I've had a couple of sporting injuries but I was enjoying playing the sport so that's just an occupational hazard, supported my daughter all through her education to the point of immense pride seeing her graduate from Vet School, being married for over 30 years, never been in trouble with the law, driven for nearly 40 years without any real incident....all little things in life but all part of our own particular jigsaw.

Coming here and the things I've achieved in the last 10 weeks are just a sweet layer of icing on my cake of life!


Thanks Mark, and you are right about icing on the cake. You have an awesome writing style and I enjoy your posts. Nice that you have made it this far also. I haven't been to a doctor in years, altho' I did have an emergency gallbladder surgery a couple of Christmas eve's ago along with 2 knee injuries from playing sports as well. I wish nothing but success for you.

Cheers Dan, what you read is what I am, it just comes out of me so if you, and any others, enjoy it I'm happy!

Knee injuries, tell me about it....wrecked my left knee playing footy at aged 14, paid for it ever since!!

Thanks again Dan

Great Attitude = Success, and I can see that you have it. I had to chuckle at your 3rd "success" - I raise a couple daughters myself, and getting through the teenage and "dating" years without losing your sanity and landing in jail, well ... you got some serious success game, fosho, teehee.

Thanks for the comments and for sharing your humorous side. Yes, there were some "teen" moments and I actually am just on the tail end of the last one. All in all they are such wonderful kids and I think the hardest part for me is in the trusting of others to know that they would look out for her best interests like I would. Besides, I was a young boy once and . . . . . . YIKES !!!! SCARYYYYYY !!!

LOL. Yeah, the greatest fear most guys have when raising girls is that they don't go out with guys who have on their minds what WE did at that age!

Yes most definately. I have super good girls and even though they hated my over protectiveness, they saw what happened to some of their friends and began to understand. Have a good day, silly !!!

Hi Dan, I am about same aged as you here in WA and I am feeling exactly the same: electrified by massive amount of new knowledge that is coming into my brain and opening new doors... Wonderful!
I'll write down a blog post about it, soon.

Thanks Loris, I appreciate the share and I look forward to reading your writing. Best of days to you.

You're doing amazing, your drive and enthusiasm is quite addictive. It's a shame you can't bottle and sell it, but you can write about it and make a niche out of it ;)

Thanks for the kind words Jay. And thanks for the hint of making a niche out of it. That has been on my mind, but I haven't been able to narrow it down enough to my liking. But I figure it will happen when it happens . . . . I just have to be ready for it when it does. Thanks again and continued success to you !!!

Great Post Dan, Very Cute... congrats!

Thank you Pat. Light years behind you, but I am progressing and I can't be happier about that. Thank you for your support and much continued success to you.

Congratulations Dan, you've accomplished a lot in such a short time, and placing images on your site can be a challenge, kudos to you:)

Hah, thanks Jaz . . . It definately was a challenge, part me and part computer issues, ( had to purchase a new one, which wasn't in the budget ), but I did succeed at learning something new and keep on following in the footsteps of successful people like you. Thank you for your support. My best to you.

You're very welcome Dan and I appreciate your kind words. My very best to you as well:)

Hi Dan, Great Blog, so glad you've joined. You're right to say you've been successful in the past, now you're just starting a new chapter in you're life here at WA. You are surrounded by people who care and soon you will have a lot more knowledge to attribute to you're new found success. Looking forward to working and helping you in your quest. Keep Smiling, Sharon:)

Hi Sharon and thanks for the encouraging words. I couldn't have found a better place to learn and grow. And, I too, look forward to the journey ahead.

Dan, A wonderful Blog, you are absolutely 100% correct, Success is within us, we Just have to look within and we'll find it, I think it's up there with being grateful with what we have :)

Couldn't agree more. Thanks for the kind words.

My Pleasure Partner

What a great blog Dan,

I have 16 days as a premium member and yeah the1st. wk.as a starter member was a blur.
. Your image placement is a head of me congrats......


I didn't buy into a Scam: Success (probably my biggest)

I am learning the lingo: Success.

I have met people from all over that can help me when ready: Success

I'm going to get my Master, in Affiliate Mrkt: Success

I found a niche(didn't know what that was 16 days ago) Success

I have started building a Website(didn't buy someone's)Success

I found hope at 58 excited about getting up: Success

I got my belief back that I can have wealth( I had lost that)Success

Thanks Dan you really hit my buttons: Success

Palm Springs Ca

Thanks Mark for the kind words. So awesome to see the successes piling up for you. Mark it down . . . . You and Mark1957. Seems like we are all about the same age, same time frame, and we will each write our own successful stories. I met a friend here a few days back who is from my hometown of Garden Grove, Ca. Didn't!t know him previously. I also have a high school buddy who resides in Palm Springs, or did. Anyway, thanks for sharing your successes and much continued success to you.

Well, on the comical side, I have been at WA for 4 weeks. I have managed to get over 350 plus visitors to my website. The comical side......it was all spam! Must laugh so I don't cry! Exciting when you see you have all these comments coming in, sad when you read them and wonder how In the world they ever found your site! Overall, I have learned a lot, but have so much more to learn. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Sue

Sorry to hear that, but good to know it isn't the end of the world. And even better yet, an opportunity for you to learn and grow which will make you even better and stronger in the journey ahead. Much continued success to you, Sue.

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