I just found $7,429

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Back in 2020, during the first month of lockdown, I was full of beans & decided I was going to start a zillion new niche websites & make the most of my time being stuck at home.

It went pretty well... For the first month, at least.

And then, after the first month, lockdown got to me, I lost my mojo & I'll admit, I kind of gave up on the sites.

In fact, I'd actually forgotten all about them, until today.

But it turns out a 30-day effort on one of the sites led me to earn $7,429 over the past 2 years.

Honestly, this has blown my mind.

I mean, I remember way back in 2016 when I logged into an affiliate account & found £2,000 sitting there from a site I'd forgotten about... But $7,429... Well, that's just next-level.

Literally, the process looked like this:

  • I set up a website
  • I published ~40 articles in one month
  • I focused on promoting 1 program that paid recurring commissions
  • I left the site for 2 years without doing anything
  • I found $7,429 worth of earnings in my affiliate account

And the craziest thing is that according to Google Search Console, the site has actually been growing continuously month on month despite no new content being added.

So, you know what? I'm gonna say it...

Affiliate marketing is easy money.

Providing you're willing to just give your site the time to gain trust from the search engines you WILL reap the rewards. This is proof that it's not so much about the work but more about the time. Based on the Search Console data it's a clear trend that Google is giving it more "trust" as it ages & in turn, that is resulting in the site getting more traffic (and making more money).

I mean, of course, if I was actively working on the site things would certainly happen sooner & I'd have certainly grown my income much larger... But $7,429 for a "forgotten about" site? I'll take it!

And I guess this post is pretty timely with the super-cheap yearly offer WA is currently running...

Because, what if you took advantage of that offer, set up a site, and let it mature for the next 12 months? How much money would you find yourself with at the end of it?

I mean, I don't have the answer, but why not give it a try?

This time next year you too could be sitting on a $7k+ withdrawal (or more - who knows?), all for a mere ~$299 investment. That's more than worth a shot in my opinion!

Here's a link to Kyle's discount if you fancy giving it a shot.

(the discount will only work for the next day or two so don't miss out)

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Good morning Dale,

I hope you're doing well; I guess you are!!

That's fantastic and just proves what can be achieved online! I guess that you will now be spending more time on this website! It's always a nice feeling when we find unexpected earnings; I can imagine in this case it was quite a shock, in a good way! I have found payments in my bank account from programs that I had forgotten about in the past! But nothing like that amount!

Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement; it's a great blog post.

Have a great day.


I love that WA is offering this mid year, and blame! Winner winner, great to see success here with what WA teaches and promotes. Anyone can be a winner, if they take the steps to get up the ladder, Elevator and the fast track never work in the end, the ladder works every time.

Thanks for the success post and reminding people of the great deal going on right now at WA.

Super David Scott, the Zam man.

Me too Scott, hope everyone takes advantage of it! :)

Hi Dale
Thank you for follow up.
Two years back I had registered for WA a week trail account and then never seen back. I don't exactly remember but I think through your blog only I have came to know about WA and registered. Is there any way to check and please confirm?

Update: yesterday, through Black Friday Rewind offer I have upgraded to premium membership.

Although there no interaction in last two years, I remember your name well. I will be taking training, and seeking your mentorship. Of course, if you are willing to.

Hi Dilip, I don't believe there is a way to check & confirm. Glad that you remember me - and of course, I'll be more than happy to help you out here at WA. Congrats on the upgrade! :)


What a fantastic surprise Dale :-)

A very nice surprise indeed! :)



Thanks Darlene :)

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