Effective Content Writing
Content writing does not come easy for me so as I try to improve my skills I eagerly seek any advice and articles which will help me improve. Sometimes I feel as I am making forward strides only to get bogged down on my next attempt.
For the last day or so I have been reading and re reading one of Kyles lessons on how to achieve maximum success through content creation. In this post I’d like to summarize what I am taking away from this lesson in the hopes it will further ingrain the thought and writing process in my mind.
Reach Out And Grab Ya
Your reader is the one in control of what search terms are presented in their search results. So, saying that we need to be aware that out content might be on their screen for just a few seconds as they scroll on by. That is why our title is important, like the old saying “you only have one chance to make a first impression”. We want out title to reach out and grab them!
We need to think like our readers when coming up with keywords and titles. If I was looking for my content what words would I type in the search bar to find it? I need to think like my reader.
My headline is the first thing my reader sees and thus is their first impression. Have I caught their attention? The more clicks I get the more traffic I get so it is important to take some time and come up with interesting titles.
Who’s On First?
Your first paragraph is where the you intro the information contained in your post. You are in essence giving your reader a quick preview of what they are about to read. In other words here you are stating their problem or introducing them to the information they are looking for. Touch on your keyword here so they will know what's coming ahead.
Where’s The Beef?
While your main headline will be the crux of your post, Inside your sub headings will be the meat of your subject. This is what your reader is here for so make sure they find it. This is where you showcase your communication skills. You have stated the problem so now you go about offering your solution and communicating with your reader why he should follow your advice or use your solution. Without valuable content, expressed in a well thought out manner they might not get to your call to action.
Lights, Camera, Action!
This is it right here in your call to action. If you clearly communicated the problem and the solution this is where you showcase what you want them to do. If the preceding paragraphs were what your reader was looking for then point them to the solution. It might be an eBook you’ve written or a product you’ve reviewed but now you need to tell them why this solution is what they need. If you’ve chosen, the correct keywords to write about and written effective content then you’ve targeted your reader and the chances of making a conversion are good.
That’s A Wrap
So here in your conclusion or wrap up is where you summarize everything up and make one last statement or two to let your reader know that your solution is what he needs. Thank him for his time and let him know you are here to answer any follow-up questions he might have. Don’t forget to ask for comments or questions and perhaps keep a dialog open if your reader wasn’t ready to buy your solution at this time. Perhaps he will keep the communication open by commenting.
Recent Comments
Hello Craig. Thank you for making this so clear as to what content writing is truly about. great job!
Great Article, Craig, thank you so much. I am stuck on the content writing right now. I know it is in me, I just need to find the right day and time and it will come out and onto the page. I have a school curriculum called "The Lost Tools of Writing". It helps you brainstorm and map out ideas. I want to work on that and Wealthy Affiliate training. I have a feeling it will all come together if I just keep working.
Great refresher course, C...now that you have made me hungry...and I don't even eat meat!!
Yes, we need to think like our audience and then reach out and grab them, and most importantly, keep their interest for a few minutes if we can.
Continued success.
This is the meat and potatoes of each one of our businesses; not always easy to implement in your posts, but necessary nonetheless. Loved your sub-headings too, Craig!
Thank you for the reminder, my friend.
Thanks for the comment Sue and glad you enjoyed. Sometimes the words don't come so easy but have to push on through and grind them out. I swear sometimes I rewrite a post a half dozen times before I like it. Hopefully I'll get faster. I do enjoy coming up with subtitles though hehe. and pictures to go with them are fun too!
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Hi Craig, Nice article. You are right that our reader is the one in control of what search terms are presented in their search results. Think always of our reader and create value for our reader. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Anthony, Thanks for the comment. Yes we must always keep the reader in mind for sure.