Fitness, Farms, and Functions

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Focusing on Friday, my schedule


7:30 AM: Community fitness boot camp in the park

9:00 AM: Start on website task #5: JavaScript functionality

11:00 AM: Attend the local farmers' market committee meeting


1:00 PM: Continue working on website JavaScript functionality

3:30 PM: Volunteer at the town's youth center

5:00 PM: Attend the community theater group rehearsal


7:00 PM: Friday night live music at the town square

Website task #5 (Friday): JavaScript functionality

- Implement a dynamic navigation menu
- Create an interactive events calendar
- Add form validation for the contact page
- Implement any necessary AJAX calls for dynamic content loading (I am going to need help and testing)
- Create any required interactive elements (e.g., image sliders, accordions)

Thanks, you all - I wish you continued success and a terrific day!

The Country Countess

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Now that's a schedule, I didn't see a break or a lunch anywhere, not even supper. What did you do grab some apples and oranges from the farmers market to eat on the go? I have no problem working with you if ever you need a hand with testing or anything, no problem. I am a sponge soaking up as much education and experience as possible, I dont want to be just ok with what I do for a living, I want to be a strong player and teach others at some point. I worked a career 34 years and was a teacher, mentor I understand what it takes. Have a good night.

Sounds like you have a busy life...good stuff in there.

Just reading Barbara Kingsolver's book, "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" and find much good wisdom about growing our own food in there. Check it out, if you have not already done so.

Good morning Lula, sounds like you have a very busy day ahead of you. But that’s good 😊 as it keeps our minds from jumping off track. Hope you have a great blessed weekend!
Barbara Hickman

Thank you, Barbara!

Sounds like another excellent plan! You can ask GPT or Claude to help with the script snippets to add the extras; please let me know if you need help.

Enjoy a perfect Friday #LOLA!


That's terrific, AbieOi. I will forward a pm.

Absolutely! I look forward #LOLA!

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