Adding Imagery To Website Post
This is for beginners, and is something I struggled with at first. Now I'm going back to rehab old web posts, which is more of a hassle than doing it right in the first place!
Save yourself some time...
1. Go to Site Rubix
2. Click on "Site Manager"
3. Click on "Log In"
4. Click on "Log In Now"
5. Click on "Posts," at left
(I'll show adding an image to an already existing website post, which is what I've been doing)
6. Click on the Post you wish to insert an image into (if you have more than one page of posts, you can move between pages at the bottom right)
7. Wait for the post to load
8. Find the place in the Post where you want the image, and decide on what type of image you want
9. Go to the top bar, and type in the name of the image . (Eg: "dogs")
10. Hit return
(you may have to put "dogs-pics")
11. Scroll down until you see "Images For" and some pictures, and click on "More Images For" under the pictures
12. Find the image you want, and click on it
13. Do a Screen Shot (Hold down Shift/Command/4), move the "bullseye" to one corner, hold down the Mouse, and drag to the opposite corner, framing the image, then release the Mouse button. Screenshot Image will go on your desktop.
14. Follow previous steps to return to website post
15. Position cursor where you want to insert the image
16. Click on "Add Media," up above
17. Click on "Upload Files"
18. Click on "Select Files"
19. The screenshot at the top will be the image you want-click on it
20. Click on "Open"
21. Allow the image to load
22. Click on "Edit Image"
(Image will appear at left)
23. Hold and drag Mouse from one corner of the image to the opposite corner of the image. (I suggest leaving a tiny bit of space between the image and the border around it, on all sides)
24. Hit the upper left button (If you hover on it, it will let you know it's the "Crop" button)
25. Allow the cropped image to become clear, then click "Save"
26. When the image clears again, click on "Insert Into Post" on bottom right
27. Your image should appear on your Post
28. Click on "Update," at right, to Save
Don't worry if this seems like a lot of steps. Once you're used to doing it, it can all be done in under a minute!
Recent Comments
Doing good... just had a surprise visit from my granddaughters. That made things even better. Hope your week is off to a great start. :)
Hey, excellent little lesson..I didn't realize I could search for the images within my WordPress posts. I kept going in and out of the program. Thanks. Debbie
Thanks a lot, Rick....I appreciate it- everything in detail. Only a good teacher can get across the message so clearly...:))
Oh yeah... you can't play jokes with the computer...Though I guess I am still doing some things in a crazy way...:))
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Thank you very much. This is what I have been waiting for.
You're welcome, Marilyn. :)