Wealthy Affiliate Real or Scam? That is the question.

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The start of 2019 hasn't been the best for me. I had to have surgery on my ankle in January and spent the past 10 weeks in a cast. Spending so much time at home on my own ..., I found myself looking for things to pass the time.

My regular day job is a Laborer at the city's Water Treatment Plant where I live. Most of the time, my job is very physical and really offers no opportunity for me to use my brain creatively at all.

I am 47 years old and over the past few years have really been looking for something different in my life. The older I get, the more I find myself feeling like there is so much more I could be accomplishing.

With the forced time off work due to my ankle I decided to see what I could find online in the way of inexpensive training. I literally searched day after day for anything I could do from home. I'm not going to lie there were some courses I was completely interested in doing, like 911 operators, IT training, or truck dispatching. The problem was, they were thousands of dollars, that I didn't have.

Deciding not to give up I kept searching and came across affiliate marketing. Of course not having a clue what the even was, I decided to looked at it in more depth to see if it was something that might interest me.

My immediate reaction to the information was there is no way this is a real job. I would have heard of it before. Almost immediately I came across the Wealthy Affiliate website.

Wealthy Affiliate Real or a Scam? That is the first sentence that came to my mind as I sat staring at my laptop. I hummed and hawed then finally I decided to click the sign up page. My thinking was, they said it doesn't cost anything to start the program, so why not.

What's the worst that happens, I waste some time, that presently I had a lot of anyway. In my mind, I'm thinking well if it's a bust and I hate it, then I can just quit.

Still having no idea what Wealthy Affiliate really was, I dove right in. Quite quickly I realized that the training was how to build a website and try to market it in a way that can make you some money. I am very well aware of websites promises of Get Rich Quick Scams, so I was skeptical for sure.

Once I started Level 1 of the training, I found myself watching videos and doing the tasks that were asked. Pretty quickly I realized that this was a very good, well laid out training program, Step by step they walk you through what is all required to make your own website and that if you follow the training plan, I too could have success.

I am not going to lie to you, it is an enormous amount of work and takes up a ton of time. With that being said, I absolutely fell in love with the training. I love the feeling that I get once I started seeing my website come to life right before my eyes. I still can't believe that I could do something this cool. My website actually looks amazing, and I am not even completely done the training yet.

Without a doubt I know that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam and it is real. The community within Wealthy Affiliate is a great group of people that really just want you to succeed in the program. Anytime there is a question, or your get confused with something in the training there is direct access to ask question to the group and get assistance with whatever you are having trouble with.

As I mentioned I am not quite done the training, and have not yet made money, but I am extremely hopeful that I will.

Just realizing in the past few weeks, what I am capable of, gives me that positive energy I need to keep driving forward.

Hard work, dedication and maybe a hint of luck will hopefully come my way. Good job Wealthy Affiliate.


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Wishing great success. The problem is that sometimes people want to see the money right away. The affiliate marketing is like any other career where we have to learn and dedicate time.

Yeap, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam is a great platform to learn and work hard and be patient.

All the very best in your journey here.

Hope you get heal fast.


Thank you. I am on the mend now.
Slow and steady right !

You made a wise decision Cora. keep following the task daily this will lead you to success.

Very well put post Cora.

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