Online shop, store and catalog
Hello fellow associates,
I'm creating my online shop for my web site about coin collecting. This is what I think. If your web site is informative, the transition to the shop must be smooth with a lot of captivating content. It can be advertised on the widget side but not to clash with the informative content you have to offer. What you're selling must be in topic to your niche or audience. Otherwise, they will wonder why they ended up looking at something for sale that's unrelated in the first place. If its a product that doesn't fit your niche, your product is alienated and puzzling.
Special offers. When your audience end up on your catalog or shop page, make it attractive. I'm working on making special offers on a weekly basis. One of the best way to do it is adding your own personal review to the item you are promoting. Adding reviews or ranking of previous buyers is also a great way to promote your items.
Diversify. The buying audience like to browse. Its important to have a substantial amount of items you have to offer and diversify them (according that they fit the topic). In a coin shop, for example, its important to have more than individual coins. Coins, antique coins, certified coins, box sets, series, gold and silver coin bullion, books and guides, novelty, sports related coins, official mint products and more. I'm working on adding more items and working on the presentation of my shop.
Presentation of your shop. As of the rest of your web site, it must look legit and professional. For an informative, help based web site, The audience must gain your trust (thus the importance of a smooth transition and lots of attractive content). It is better to have more than one payment method and easily accessible to check out. Different tools allows you to add a shopping cart.Creating a disclaimer page can be useful by avoiding lots of conflict and typically will tend to a positive resolution.
On a final note. Creating a shop related to your niche requires, in general, an in depth knowledge of your products you have to offer. Create a shop on something you are passionate about. It will reflect on your audience
Success for all !!
Dominic T
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Good advice here...I see a lot of shops that have one or more glaring omission or another ...Some are successful still, but I think in terms of what can be, rather than what is...Cheers! Dave : )
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It is a concern Dominic. If you get too niche specific you might be missing a mint of opportunities elsewhere!
See this is why I made this blog. So basically, if your site is successful, you can diversify and be less specific on what you have to offer. Makes sense to me now. Your audience already trust your site, they like what they see so they will be more incline to consider offers that's more or less out of your niche.
Thank for this reply MKearns.
I see this now. The important thing is the content. I've been checking a few successful web sites and they do diversify. I will thinking outside the box.
Thanks Kickbacked