Guard Your Mind

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In the book of Proverbs we are told to "guard our minds". Proverbs 4:23

Have you ever noticed that much of our internal dialogue is negative? We often worry about what might happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month. Or sometimes we dwell on a negative comment or event from the past, perhaps a painful comment from someone close to us like a parent or a friend (or a boss), or perhaps the loss of a loved one or a business failure. Negative thoughts bring us down. If we allow too much negative thinking to dominate our thought life, we run the risk of becoming depressed. Negative thought patterns can even compromise our physical health.

The same can be said of negative emotions. Feelings like jealousy or envy, anger, fear, anxiety, can really be roadblocks to our success in all areas of life. The good news is that we can control what we think or feel at least most of the time. In other words, if a negative thought comes into your head, replace it with a better feeling thought!

This, of course, takes practice but I'm here to tell you that, if you put in the effort, gradually you get better at replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. The immediate benefit is you feel better! This is the approach used by Dr. Gary Emery at the University of Pennsylvania. He labeled this technique cognitive therapy and it has met with great success.

Many believe that there is a definite and significant connection between what we think and feel and the state of our health. In other words, there is a inseparable connection between body, mind and spirit. When you think and feel better, you are happier and, generally speaking, you will be healthier too! A world renowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, suggests that 85% of all ailments flow from negative thought patterns. Louise Hay is also an advocate of this approach. The great American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson told us that we become what we think about all day long!

Try this for yourself. Become aware of what you think about most of the time. Be on guard for negative thoughts and, when you catch yourself dwelling on something negative, replace that thought with something positive. Think about a happy memory or an accomplishment that made you feel good. Imagine yourself accomplishing something that is important to you. Visualize it. By doing so, you will generate a good feeling emotion! With practice, soon you will be thinking and feeling better a greater portion of the time and, you might find that the universe rewards you with abundance in all areas of your life as well.

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Recent Comments


Thanks Grant, I have been replacing those lower energy thoughts with much more healthier thoughts for long time now and it works!

Also to be noted is what we consume on a daily basis, things like Tv and certain radio stations can be challenging with the mixed signals they send.

Kind regards

I'm so glad to hear that Erica. And you are so right. I haven't watched TV for years now...a lot of filth and the 'news' is just propaganda...a channel for the controlling narrative...nothing more...

Absolutely Grant, I have not even owned a Tv for over 20 years. I do not miss the control of it!


Wise advice, Grant!


Thanks Jeff and thanks for commenting! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

You're welcome, Grant, ad you do the same!

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