Anything is possible when you put your mind to it - Level 4 almost complete

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I can hardly believe I am as far as I am with owning a website / online business. I am very close to completing my level 4 training. Wealthy Affiliate is amazing and the community is right there to help. One just needs to ask, its as simple as that.

I know when I decided to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate I had my doubts but I knew I could always back out if it was not for me. For those that are still very new or just reading into this before going at this with full dedication you will have two main questions (as did I) on your mind." What are all the costs involved here?" Kyle does mention this in sections over a few lessons in his training. This is what I experienced when it came to payments to be made:

Sign up - Free (Full access for 7 days)

Upgrade to premium - $19 for first month, then $49 monthly, with a yearly payment option where you save.

Domain name - Once off annual payment, prices vary depending on name.

Below is my story of how I got to where I am within Wealthy Affiliate.

Taking a look back to a few months ago things were a hell of a lot different for me. I got ill and when I returned to work I received the terrible news that no providing parent ever wants to hear, both myself and my partner had been retrenched from the same company. (first lesson learned, never work in the same company) Needless to say we live in an area where jobs are not easily found. Then one day feeling terribly down, I stumbled across Wealthy Affiliate. I read through everything three times and one extra time when I read it to my partner.

With very little money left to our name, we both took another leap of faith, mainly because this time I did not have that gut feeling that I was going to lose anything or be scammed as we were while we were still employed.

I sat in front of my computer with the determination of getting this part right in my life. I flew throw my training right up till I had to go premium. The first thing I thought was, OH, Bam! this is a money making platform that every so many lessons requests payments for some or other thing. I WAS SO WRONG. I literally had taken my last money to pay to go premium. Then had to now figure out what next to do to try pay for a domain. My partner took this payment upon himself when I said I just had this feeling that there is so much more to Wealthy Affiliate and I have to know.

I am very pleased to say I do not regret this decision. I have not had to pay for anything else other than the standard monthly premium subscription fees, Which is really cheap if you consider what all you are getting and compare it to other hosting sites. The BEST part is, Wealthy Affiliate is so much easier to use. Especially when you don't know anything about creating and running websites.

This has truly been a great experience and I can safely say I have learned so much at Wealthy Affiliate and it didn't require me to pay for any university courses or to study for months before seeing anything happen.

I still have so much to learn but I have the dedication to get through my training and this is mainly all you would need to make anything work. All you need to do is put your mind to it and push through. If I can do it, then anyone can. Just don't give up, give yourself the chance to make a success out of it.

If anyone would like to try learn more about websites, social media and with time and effort make some extra money. Then I would personally suggest you sign up to Wealthy affiliate and test the waters out for the first few days, then if you are still into the idea, go premium. There is only one way to know if it's for you or not and that is to give it the best you have.

I know this is just my experience and that there are many more out there that have had the same, better or even worse off experiences. I would love it if the community at Wealthy Affiliate could let me know what their experiences are, good or bad because many people like to know what other people experience just as much as I do.

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Recent Comments


What a motivating story! Thank you for sharing your experiences

Hi...I think your journey is typical for many WA members. Goid for you for trying something new and continued success.

Hey Cathryn,
My experience with WA has been amazing. I had done quite a few online programs before this and they all turned out to be scams. So I was Very sceptical about WA a first. I didn't jump in going full speed ahead. After about a week they didn't ask me for anything and I was starting to relax and take this as a legit platform. Now I really started working the program and started to enjoy it!!!
I have found my new home!!!

Tried and True


Hi Elaine, thank you for sharing your experiences. I wish you all the best with your journey within WA.

I am glad you are enjoying your time here. The training is good for all of us.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

Good for you Cathryn! I think there are many of us here in the WA community who have similar stories of overcoming hardships in order to be here, that is why everyone is so caring and helpful.
I look forward to hearing more about your path to success.
Best wishes.
Kyle Ann

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and to leave me a comment. I wish you all the best on your journey within WA.


Hi Cathryn. We all seem to take that leap of faith at some time in our lives and we are so glad your's is working out for you. Thanks for your post, it is going to be really helpful for anyone thinking about joining WA and/or going premium. Good luck on your WA journey.
Colette and Philip

I am really glad you think it will really helpful, that was what I was aiming for.

Thank you for sharing :)

Hi Cathryn, thank you for the blog, goes to show how you can start from basically very little and learn a life changing skill. When you really look at affiliate marketing as that is basically what we all are doing, we are all the pioneer of this craft.

Once you understand it there will be no stopping what you can do. I do not know what part of the world you live in, I live in Sydney and coffee prices here is about $3.50 to $4.50 depending where you go..or more, I think the cheapest is about $2,

Buying a coffee for a month would be more expensive than joining WA. Something that will make you unlimited income. It really is the best platform. Anyway...I hope things will turn out right for you guys...Wishing you well there Cathryn

I live in South Africa.I wish I could come to Sydney, my dream is to travel to some of my favorite places and Sydney is one of them.

If I had to covert the coffee prices of say $3.50 over to South African Rand it would cost me R50.48. If this is the price per cup I most definitely would rather drink water at home. I guess it is a good thing I do not drink coffee. LOL

It is most definitely like you suggest, its better to spend the money on something that can make you more money then to spend it on something you would never see a return on.

Thank you for sharing

wishing you well, if you continue on your journey you will most certainly end up here on a holiday or to that is a good goal to set yourself..take care

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