A month with WA
It's been a month since I started joining WA and I have learned a lot about tips for blogging that can potentially lead to success in the future. I am working on my beauty blog, and my niche target is girls who have little idea about makeups. So far I am enjoying what I do, except that I have a little problem with procrastination. LOL
I procrastinate because sometimes I get demotivated and ran out of ideas. I need to pull myself out from the couch just to continue working on my blog. However, out of procrastination I sometimes get ideas as well. (silver lining lol)
Problem number 2 is the fact that my monthly subscription is coming up, and I might cancel for this month until I have enough money to pay it. Yes, times are tough lately but we'll get back in there.
My goal is to continue this journey that I have started. For the next 3 months, my goal is to earn my first revenue and build my social media account. Just now, I have created an FB page for my blog and I am thinking, should I make another Instagram account just for the blog or should I just use my current Instagram account? My profile is public and currently, have 900+ followers. If you can advice me on this, my dear fellow WA, that would be great.
For the next 6 months, I should be earning at least a 3 digit income out of my blog. I hope! it's possible, right? right! I started my 2017 struggling with money issues but I won't let it end with the same issue. #bepositive :D
Recent Comments
You are doing very well Carol in your first month. Keep a positive focus and your business will start to grow.
Wishing you all the best for the coming months :)
I like your positive attitude. Return to WA as soon as you are able, and continue the journey
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Hi, Carol stick at it looks like you are making good progress, all the best as you get things happening.
thank you! I actually managed to find something to pay for my subscription. so I am staying, yey!