Finally, putting the pieces together!
Hi Everyone and happy holidays for all those in the states!!
I've been away for last couple months redirecting my energies to learning and getting together a new game plan of what it is exactly I want to do! I lost that when my other business plan fell apart! But now I've started a new puzzle with fresh pieces of information and it's definitely coming together!
I lost my passion for a while when my original idea proved both unfruitful and company not at all what they promised. At least, I bailed at right time and kept my integrity intact but it was crippling as I had no idea what to do next or how to move forward. What was my passion???
So I started watching videos from other marketers and what they were doing. How were they successful! What & how were they marketing?? What products or companies??? And I started to reignite my passion! As well as having something to write, share and pass on!
I had nothing to say when my business idea fell apart. But that has all changed. So I'm back and ready for 2019!! 2018 was a bust and want to forget it or rather learn and move on! Just a bad year! Now here's hoping with fresh game plan and new optimism. I can move forward and build a sustainable online income. Then help others to do the same! To be of value! That is my goal!
So here is a most Happy 2019 New Year to you all and wishing you much success!!
The one and only Ciber Tiger!!! Rooooooaaaaaarrrrr!!!!!
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Your right we learn from others who are having success.Thanks for sharing a new way to keep motivated and not give up.
cheers to your success
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A heartfelt thank you for the article you provided. According on what I've seen, those staircases could be a bit unsettling to certain people.
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