Who is william?
As Mrs. Johnson entered the grocery story to do her weekly shopping she heard a child throwing a fit and as she continues to shop she got closer and closer to the child throwing the fit.
As she turned the corner she encountered a little old man pushing a cart with the screaming child and as he was choosing is groceries he was saying softly it's okay William, you are okay, stay calm but the child continued to scream.
The child kept screaming up and down the aisles and the old man very patiently continued speaking in a very soft voice we're almost done and then we will go home, you are fine, just stay calm William, you are doing great !
Mrs. Johnson was so in awe with this type of parenting she continued to follow the old man even into the parking lot. She approached the old man and was praising him on his parenting skills and that William was very luck to have a grandfather like him.
The old man looked at her very surprised and said No, No I'm William, the kid's name is Kevin.
The parenting skills of William is a lot like the tutorials here at WA and Mrs. Johnson is a lot like us, the beginning marketers here, don't you think?
Recent Comments
Hi Chuck, I like it. I felt the same way sometimes when I was teaching driving. I was having to keep saying 'stay calm Wilson'.
I like the comparison at the end of the story.
Wow Wilson I would be talking to myself too if I taught driving. Hahaha. Thanks for taking time to read and comment
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That was a surprise. Then, I realized I have done that.... but not outloud.
Those are usually the ones that are most enjoyable. Thanks for read Dr.