4 Years Today @ Wealthy Affiliate - Has It All Been Worth It?

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I logged on this morning. It was to check my emails through the WA Site email section as I needed to get a code for something.

To be honest I'm not really as active on WA or with Blogging as much as I would like to be but I definitely like it here and I enjoy writing blogs. It hasn't really turned out to be the cash cow I had hoped but I'm still going. ANYWAY...

I got a notification today to say it is 4 years since I become a member of Wealthy Affiliate. One more year and this is basically the same time as I spent at secondary school. And I am sure I will be here for a fifth year WHY NOT!

But do I think my time here has been worth it?


I know some people think WA is some kind of brainwashing cult that scam people and make them think they are getting good value for money when they're not.

Well, really I guess I'm brainwashed although I have been using this program long enough to know that some members here are absolutely killing it.

I guess if you look at those who end up in Las Vegas you can see who they are. But I'm sure plenty of people that don't make it to Las Vegas also do pretty well.

You can search through the top ranked members and read the blogs.

There is something happening here although...

How about myself?

When I joined it was on the heels of starting a new blog on blogger.

I wrote a review on Clickbank product. A weight loss supplement. And somewhere I shared my link led to (I think it was) 7 conversions!

I found out about Wealthy Affiliate not long after and I will admit I've never managed to pull this off EVER SINCE. I think this was 7 sales in 2 days and I think it was 11 for the month.

Actually, I hate telling this story - Mostly as I doubt half the people I tell don't believe me but also since it's been 4 years and as much as I'd hoped this was a taste of things to come it wasn't. Hundreds of blog posts later and never had a month with 11 commissions. I think 3 or 4 I got. Also, one commission I made $380 USD (20% on a $1200 sale) that was good, and I never even knew about it. For almost SIX MONTHS!

Definitely a nice surprise but yeah I do think I should have made more!

4 years is plenty of time to make a successful website.

You could say it is because of WA - for me using this platform but I think this is is so wrong. I blame myself really. At the moment I have 5 websites. I think I will give one up instead of renewing this year AND THIS has to be my number one tip for new WA members and bloggers don't go all mad starting blogs in different niches one after the other. Its helpful for developing your writing but think about it - if you have to make a new email, new social accounts for every new site and switch between logins all the time that is confusing. Also this is time you could be spending on just 1 project!

I dunno maybe it isn't this. Are you someone that wakes up early every day and starts blogging. Who is organized methodically with every task to share on social media, post, revise old posts and other things like Youtube videos etc. They say Who Dares Wins and it doesn't matter if its WA or something else if you don't do what is required you will not get what you want if this money, success etc.

Maybe will try and do a bit better this year and all else I will say is I think WA is a great place to do it. Just work hard. Follow the training and NEVER give up!

Maybe this will be the plan for me. Still January so will keep going and make this happen and see what things are like in a years time.

PS: I just got 7k AI credits from Kyle. Really looking the like of Hubz - good to see the platform evolving and hope it can be of good use to me.

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Congrats on your four year anniversary, Alex! 👍👍😎

Frank 🎸

A very happy fourth year anniversary here my friend...

Let's make sure that your fith year is the best ever!

All the very best moving forward!! :-)

Thanks for sharing your insights Alex!
Congratulations on your 4th year!
Maybe if you get deeper on the Hubs, it will change your perspective! It will certainly be of great use to you!


Congratulations and thank you for the great insights, my friend.

I never really expected to have a cash cow. But, I wanted to make much more than $120 monthly. It's my fault because my websites aren't properly monetized.

I depended too much on Amazon with turned out to be a waste of my precious time.

Something about what you shared clicked....Clickbank! Is that worth a trial?

Thank you for sharing!

Maxine ✨️✨️🎊🎊

To be honest. It's good if you can find the right products to promote. Share a Sale is better but I mostly google search my affiliate programs that are related to my work rather than use Clickbank etc. but it isn't all bad on there you just have to find good products on there. Although you can use to find products for reviews on there that you can use as a mains to promote your better offers.

Happy 4th anniversary, Alex :)

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