My first Blog Post
I joined Nov 18-2016 and today is Dec 03-2016. I am learning a lot from WA affiliate so after a week of progress I decided to get a 1month premium membership. And I found out that I am learning a lot and I believe I found something that will help me achieve abundance and wealth so when the opportunity comes last week I decided to get a 1year premium membership here and I'm happy I did.
I have a lot of niche that I think about and ideas that I want to build but I believe it is going to be difficult for me if I'm not going to make a foundation. So I am sticking around the WA community and leave out all my advance thoughts, expectations and ideas and will build a simple niche and see how it progress and jump on next to the big plan.
My plan within 3 months is to build a perfect niche that I will enjoy doing and have a lot of networking or connections in here to build trust and confidence.
Follow me as I do my progress here for you to get updated. I have shared my Google+ and let's meet in the other world.
Cheers to our success!
Recent Comments
Congrats on your decision to go Annual.
Thanks onmyownterms.
I believe I will not regret my decision to go Annual
Charred R.