Thanks for all the HELP!
I have to admit when it come to technology I might just as well be from Mars. I struggle with what most people see as simple, I am not complaing, just a true statement.
You are probably wondering what is the point of this. My point is that without the help of the community and their willingness to answer any question we need answered, I would say I can't do this.
It makes my my work so much simpler.
I want to thank everyone for answering even the (stupid) questions.
Without your help I would have to give up but, because you are so generous with your time. I will keep working hard to get where I want to go.
Thanks so much for the wonderful, caring people that make up the Wealthy Affiliate community
Recent Comments
I am right with you, Carolyn. When it comes to technology I am as dumb as a bag of rocks!
I have been working on posting photos to my article for 3 weeks now and I finally got the hang of it. I have asked many questions, gotten as many answered and watched the video on it at least 5 times.
We just have to keep plugging away at it and cheer each other on.
Gook luck to all.
Glad you have got rid of the picture on your site.
I just wanted to note the more details, screenshots you show in your question the more professional help you will get.
Hi Carolyn,
First, as Kyle said, there are no stupid or dumb questions, but I feel like I am asking a dumb one sometimes. In fact, I am quite embarrassed in asking something "I should know but don't".
But we shouldn't feel that way as everyone in this WA Community is at different levels of experience and knowledge. So don't feel foolish in asking any question, I know I am going to work on my own "preachin'", myself.
I have to say the same thing to the Community, a Big Thanks for all your help.
Best wishes Carolyn.