Keyword or not to Key a Word
Keyword is the Key
Sometimes my Brilliance Amazes even me
Hind sight and all that yada,yada,yada,
Going through Kyle’s lesson on keywords I noticed something I don’t know how many other of my Wealthy Aflliate’s already noticed but I’m tickled.(punchline @end)
I have to touch on “Content” because you’ll hear that ALOT around here. I thought I already knew the meaning of the word, so I looked it Up.
Merriam Webster’s Definition has 4 applications and it looks like we want to be aware of all of them, the first pertains to our endeavors
- something contained —usually used in plural
- the topics or matter treated in a written work
- the principal substance (such as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a web site
Keyword and keyword phrases are so very important we at WA are blessed to have Jaxey
When I’m doing the SEO for my web site I’ll spend 3-4 hours getting as many keyword and keyword phrases as I can.
When it comes to blog content I don’t even look them up. And here’s why, when I’m writing I’m writing to convey an idea a thought or trying to convince you to do something I want you to do. If I can’t convey that thought, idea or action in 500 words or less...
As a senior citizen and I imagine a lot of others I’ll get your point in 500 words or less
if not I’ll move on. for most we read the first couple of paragraphs and scan the rest
If it takes me 1500 - 2000 words to convey an idea
I’ll break it up into 5 different post and make it a serial or better yet, offer it as a freeby in exchange for your name an email or better yet sale it as a premium to my list.
Keyword phrases and Kyle’s lesson here’s where my hind sight kicked in if you use Jaxey for content keyword phrase it will give you ideas to add on or gain new idea’s for said content.
Extending those 500 words to 2000 am I brilliant or what!
I know I know my hindsight....
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Great hindsight, Charles. I like to write and am also very detail-oriented. My posts are rarely under 1000 words and often much more. However, I try to break it up with images, headlines, and pointers. I think it does depend a great deal on your topic, but also on your style. And yes, I love Jaaxy!
Yea that was all just tongue n cheek
it totally depends on the topic my problem is I like to research and if I'm not mindful of word count I'll write 3000 words in an hour which is what it took 30 years ago to get noticed online
I feel the same about the big J I never had such a luxury
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I believe short and sweet is the best way. Having content that brings your audience a certain energy. Not only for elderly but for people with ADD or ATT. Easily distracted by not just what is on the screen but things happening around them "in the physical world"