Saving storage space in the media file
There are those here at Wealthy Affiliate that are much smarter than I am. I will endeavor to give what information I have learned. I want to say ALL information and suggestions on this topic will be appreciated.
I have looked and searched here on Wealthy Affiliate for information concerning our Word Press Media Library. I have not been able to find any information related to this subject, so I have had to go to Word Press to get a few answers.
We all need pictures, photo's and video's for our Blogs. As many know that have been here for a while, once they are uploaded you can delete them. BUT they will also be deleted from the Post or Page where you put them.
The Word Press Media system LINKS all media to Post and pages. Simply put, if you delete what you have in your media, it is also deleted in your post and pages.
What Is Our Problem
I think we only have a certain amount of storage space in the Medial Library. Over time we start to eat up that storage space. Naturally, we want to optimize and save as much space as possible-no one wants to run out of storage space in their Media file. There are some options that will help.
1. We need to determine how much storage space we have a Wealthy Affiliate and have to ask: Do we have UNLIMITED STORAGE AND BANDWITH? The best information I have found says, most HOST, do have a limit.
2. If we do have a limited Storage capacity is there a program where we can buy extra storage?
3. Here is a very helpful hint. RESIZE your images before you upload them to your media file. This saves storage space. When you go to link your photo to a post or page Word Press will allow you to choose the size you want on that post or page. The SIZE of photo you uploaded to the media file is what is counted in your storage space, not the size you chose to put on your post or page.
4. Are there other options that will benefit our websites?
If you ran out of space or would like to upload other types of files, some alternatives are:
Use an external hosting service such as Flickr or YouTube, and embed remote images and videos.
Upload to a dedicated file hosting or file sharing service.
5. There is a Plug In called: Clean Up Images-version 1.04. Clean up your Media Library and disk storage by finding and deleting unused images in the Media Library.
Here is what this plug in does. The plugin helps in deciding which images in the Media Library you want to delete and then deleting them from both the Data Base and the Directory, if you decide to do so. This plugin will search the database for all images in the Media Library and determine whether or not they are in use. They will then be listed. If not used, you will be able to select them in order to delete them. This would be UNUSED photo's.
If you use this plug in to delete unused photo's, you need to remember that you may have photo's in your Header. Sidebars or Footers. Make sure you are only deleting UNUSED PHOTO'S. Otherwise, you may have to replace them.
6. Here is an option, but it is a hard choice for me. I do not want to do it. You can delete images in your media file, then upload them again (maybe Resize them). But who wants to go back and link new pictures to their pages and post? If you have a lot of posts and pages, then you will have a lot of work ahead of you.
I do think RESIZING NEW IMAGES is very good before you upload them to your Media file.
I know we are all concerned about storage space in our Media files. No one wants to run out, or accumulate too much. No one wants to seek other options. I am not any expert or guru regarding Word Press. I hope others will be able to give better information than I have. We all help each other.
One final thing I want to say. I have done 3 other blogs regarding Word Press. I did these blogs because I wanted ALL of us to understand the Word Press system better. We use it on our blogs, we need to know what we have with Word Press-that is it.
I was accused one time of promoting Word Press or Advertising for them. I AM NOT AND NEVER HAVE. I simply want to know all I can about the WP system and what will benefit me and my site. I also want to share with community, what I learn so it will help you also. GOD BLESS OUR COMMUNITY AND WEALTHY AFFILIATE.
Recent Comments
Gosh, I don't ever worry about this. I heard someone say the other day that there has only been 1 person, EVER that has hit the max amount of bandwidth here at WA.
I compress every image before uploading. I really don't think you need to worry about it, honestly. If you catch Kyle in chat, ask him that question. I'd love to know what he says.
I will find out. I am not trying to panic anyone, I have been told by others who have been here for a long time, that they believe there is a limit. so I did this blog to find out.
Thank you Clifford. I did not realise that if you delete an image from the media library, it disappears from your site, so thanks for that information.
What you need to do is type compressing photos in the help box, go to Leoemery's post 'This Can Hurt Your Site BIG Time' and use the compressing sites he lists there. I use the one for PNG and JPEG. The PNG site allows upload, compression and download of many images at once. I did 19 at once today. As for old posts, make a list of your posts and if you need space work your way back in the past doing one or two at a time. Also if you use Media on the dashboard and click on your photo it will tell you, on the right hand side, whether its uploaded to a page or post and which one.
I'm curious about this myself. I know the file size of a photo is important because the larger it is the long it takes to load and load time could help your site to rank better. I never thought about storage space. I think our Wordpress site is different from though because the platform has been loaded onto the WA server and not to I'm thinking we would have to upgrade with WA if they aren't giving us unlimited space, which could be the case. I don't know for sure though.
Most WAs use the WA hosting service which is included in our Premium membership. I know nothing about websites so I'm not aware of the storage problems associated with them. I only use WA and HostGator and storage space has never been an issue. Your advice about reducing images before uploading is valid wherever you host because large images cause slow loading speed. Resize and Insert an Image Where You Want ~Marion
Thanks for the advice I will use recommendations if I run out of storage. Will try Flicker and other external sources as well. Is it possible to use drop box?
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I will also hang to hear from Kyle as Jeanl has said