Knowing Your Customer Is Gold
Knowing your customer is gold
See that cover image? No matter what we are promoting or selling unless we know our customer they are not going to hand us their money. Not only that but we also have to have customer TRUST.
One of the best ways to figure out who your customer is going to be is by getting into their heads. Kyle does a whole training on understanding the customer and the lifestyle of a customer....
Another good training is by a WA member Anthony MLM How to find your audience
After doing your research about who you might want to buy your product, you should then get as specific as possible when figuring out who your target audience. Try to figure them out as a person not a customer or object.
Some great questions to ask yourself are:
- How old are they?
- Are they male or female?
- What’s their career?
- What is their income?
- What is their education?
- Do they have kids?
- What are their personal interests?
- What are their political views?
- What are their religious views?
- What are their favorite brands?
- Favorite websites?
- Favorite news sources?
- Favorite books?
- Favorite TV shows?
- What do they want more than anything else?
- What is their biggest fear? Biggest dream?
Food for thought as I was watching a free video series on lurn thought to pass it on.
Knowing the make up and physiology of who we are marketing to makes all the difference in the world. Not only for figuring out pain points and how to solve them but ultimately for our long term financial goals as well.
A happy customer is also a generous customer.
Any thoughts comment, like and share it around :)
Recent Comments
Good evening, I couldn't agree more, getting into your possible customers heads is a beautiful thing. Opens the door to a long prosperous relationship.
yep if we can cultivate that relationship it will be smooth sailing and asking questions is the first step toward that
Great work Cathy. You have covered customer demographics well. Good luck finding gold on the PCT as well!
Learning to speak the same language as our customers can be the start of a lasting relationship which brings value to both parties.
No matter what niche we need to understand what makes folks tick tock.
Thanks for the reminder, Cathy.
Yes you are so right. This applies to every niche out there. Not just ecommerce. Thanks for commenting Alex
Thank you for sharing this helpful information, much appreciated.
I will take another look at this list and modify my reader profile.
Many thanks
Reader profile just like when we set our profiles up are so important yet often times over looked
Thank you for sharing this helpful information, much appreciated
Yes will take another look at those specific questions
Many thanks
Hi Jennifer long time no see
thank you for commenting twice both excellent
We must narrow our audience down in order to serve and help them better.
Great post-Cathy and so true
sometimes we try to catch everyone's attention and lose the clients along the way and figuring out your target market and their needs is so perfect
Thanks my friend
You rock!!
Thank you for stopping in and commenting. Sometimes when we write and often times we get caught up in the money aspect we lose site of our true objectives and that is helping to solve our audiences problems. Yet we often overlook just who our audience is.
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Good info. Thanks!