How Jaaxy Guarantees No. 1 Rankings
Invest More Time In Research
I spend as much time researching my keywords as I do writing my posts. Actually, I may well be investing more time researching my keywords than I do writing my posts.
The Roman Philosopher, Seneca, reminds us that "Luck Is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." If that is true then, we should always be prepared because opportunities are presented to us every day. If we are always prepared, we will enjoy a lot of luck.
Ongoing keyword research is how I prepare for the opportunities to consistently rank on the 1st page of Google and other Search Engines.
I shared some of that success recently:
How My Research Begins
We are trained to do this at Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and, it works!
I begin my keyword selection using many different sources:
- previous posts I wrote
- articles and posts on the topic
- observation
- listening to conversations, news, discussions, ideas, interests
- Google Alerts
- trends
- shifting through magazines in waiting rooms
- signs and billboards
Once you realise that keywords are everywhere your work becomes much easier and more enjoyable.
A Glass Of Wine, My Planner And Jaaxy
My next step is critical and determines much of my luck. After deciding on a topic or two for my week's writing, I get comfortable with a glass of wine, sit at my desk which faces our Northern Mountain Range and dive into Jaaxy.
This usually takes me an hour or two so, more often than not my glass turns into a bottle. . . or two. ๐
I move between Alphabet Soup and Keywords constantly. Keywords may lead me into Brainstorm which ultimately takes me back to Alphabet Soup. The constant movement back and forth creates a rhythm that has an attraction and engagement that consumes me.
That rhythmic groove is addictive.
The results are entered into my Posts Planner and look like this:
My SEO scores are very important to me. Look closely and you will even see a '100' there. Those are very hard to come by, but once you dive into the cracks of your Niche you will be blessed with many.
What you are seeing is my posts plan for the next two (2) weeks for one of my websites. Of those 14 keywords (all long tail), 13 have a Jaaxy SEO Score of over 90.
That is not a chance occurrence. It is a carefully calculated strategy and one that I highly recommend to you.
With those scores, I am guaranteed 1st page rankings on Google and other Search Engines. In all probability, I may well rank number one or two for each of them.
This is how preparation meets opportunity and blesses us with luck.
I encourage you to invest more time into your research. Make it part of your every day life and soon you will find your groove and lots and lots of luck!
Live Well | Travel Light | Change The Script | Love What You Do
Recent Comments
Thank you very much for the advice.
This is what I need to understand better and do more of.
Itโs totally what I have been doing wrong.
I need to start again, luckily Iโm only 7 weeks in with
My site.
Itโs disappointing but not the end of the world.
It is never the end of the world, Lisa.
You always have time to recalibrate, adjust and move forward.
So happy to be able to shed some light and get you back on track.
Thank you.
That's it! You do a great job and I am sure that your good preparation crossed the path of many good opportunities. It will be greatly deserved!
Keep up the wonderful work!
Good post Cassie,
And thank you for sharing your tips and skills, it is so easy for us to continue on our solo path but what I really like about this post and others by fellow WAers is the detail, sharing and showing us you achieve your results.
I liked how kept the chore from being a chore and actually an enjoyable encounter...
Thank you ๐๐
Cordelia, it is always good to see you and receive your feedback, which is so valuable.
Thank you.
I trust that all is well with you.
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I love your post Cassi. I think this is one area I sometimes fall down in. Mostly because of lack of research. Early in my online career most of my posts hit number one or two, then I became slack and took shortcuts. Your advice has reinvigorated my desire for undertaking quality research. It's so important to get this right. After all, what's the point of spending hours writing a new post only to fill it with poorly researched keywords that place you anywhere off the first page of Google.
Exactly, Jim!
When you think about it, for most things, preparation is key.
Once your foundation and preparation are done well, it is smooth sailing from there.
It is good to know that I was able to help you get back on track.
Thank you.