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We all have sides to our personalities that can either help or hinder us in our success. Not just in business but in all areas of our lives that carry over into our work.

We can can focus on those negative areas and let them take over and define who we are, or we can grab hold of the positive attributes and run with them.

As human beings, we are all creatures of habit and habits are much harder to break than to form. If we have been allowing that negative side to rule our hearts and minds for much of our lives, it will not be an easy thing to refocus overnight. But we do need to break the habit!

If we are able to take an honest look at the characteristics that define our personality in general, we don't have to dig deep, they are usually right there and anyone who really knows or understands us well will probably be only too happy to confirm them for us.

We can then, upon reflection, find a way to use them to inform our future practice.

Time for change!

Find that quality in our personality that is unique to us alone and nurture that. Put your energy into forming new habits, changing the mindset to include that part in future decision making and goal setting.

Do not compare yourself to others as this is always going to make you feel like you fall short. Find that strength or skill that makes you the best at being you.

Use it in your business. Are you a great problem solver or a good mediator?

Maybe you enjoy organising or communicating.

There is always a way that you can use that skill, hone it to strengthen your business or work alongside others that have skills you can share.

Have a great weekend and be the best you that you can be!


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Hi Cass,
Thanks for sharing that uplifting post. You are so right that most of do tend to compare ourselves to others and we don't need to because there is always going to be someone better than you are.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well,

Thank you Donna, I have been quite remiss in replying to my messages sorry. thanks for your comment and have a great day:)

Awesome post Cass! Thank you 🙏🏾.

Stay blessed,


Thank you Julie and sorry for the late reply, cheers Cass

No prob;)

Hi Cass
Great post thank you
We are in control of our minds and whatever we choose to focus on will manifest.
Yes, using our inner skills externally to work our business is so great and being unique beings, everyone has something special to offer
Inspiration plus here this morning my friend

You rock as always

Thank you Vicki, and sorry for the late reply. I appreciate your comment and for your encouragement. Cass:)

All good Cassbomb- I'm building a trail for you to follow so you don't get lost next time lol lol

Great encouraging words to march into the weekend with. Thanks I am currently reading through Carol Dweck's book "Mindset" which explores the impact of having a fixed vs a growth mindset backed up with many years of research. I believe this well worth a read especially to other members here. I hope to be writing a review on my website soon as I finished reading it. Have a productive and enjoyable weekend!.

Thanks Alan that is a great book and one I also have been reading, actually flicking through and not thoroughly reading lol but will finish it eventually.

I do understand, we all do have some issues in life and hard sometimes, but when you are sick and then you see, more sick people around doesn't help too much being positive no matter what you do. I disagree because not always we have roses petals on our roads in life. Sometimes for a long time, it just takes me off the road.
Thank you for sharing it make sense, Good luck in your business

Hi Nicole, I do understand where you are coming from and from personal experience sometimes it seems almost impossible to see the positives but over time you can find it:) So I wish you the best in whatever circumstances you are in right now and for the future. Cheers Cass

Cheers to you, thanks for kind words

You're welcome, take it easy and enjoy your weekend.

Ohhh boy Cassandra you hit my funny bone with me. I feel as if you're psychic and know my problem. Yes we are unique and we have not come into this world to follow anyone.

You resonate with me my dear friend. Yes I need to break my habit and it's staring right infront of me..ME! lols!

Seriously, focus is soo important. Why??? Because nothings gonna move until I start the inertia to get the ball rolling.

Break that habit and boy that door of opportunity is just waiting.

Thank you my dear friend. Yes that fire needs to be put under my y'know. I will have to lit it, myself.

Awesome post Cass. Love it! Good job!


Good morning my friend:) I am so glad we are in tune with one another and my post was able to help. I think is we are all honest with ourselves we have things we need to focus on but we also have our own strengths and personalities. I always enjoy our little chats:) Stay well and thanks Frank. cheers Cass

Mahalo for being there my friend. Awesome post!

Great advice
I always try all my possible best to remain focused.

Thank you and keep up that great attitude:)
Have a great day!

Beautiful message

Thanks Rebecca:) Enjoy your weekend. Cass

You too:)

That is such good advice Cass, we are all of us unique and developing a place online we can celebrate and share that uniqueness.

Working towards being our best version can be so rewarding.

Have a great weekend.


Thank you Alex. Yes we need to celebrate our strengths and focus on the way forward.
hope you have a restful weekend:)
Cheers Cass

You are right -- play to your strengths. Put special focus on those things that you do well. Doing one thing well can often push other problems off your plate, as you will succeed by using that at which you excel.

Good morning Fran, thank you that is true. Finding or recognising that one thing takes a little bit of searching for sometimes but if you focus on that everything else seems to follow. Thanks for your input, it is always appreciated:)
cheers Cass

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