I am confused. I need someone to help and explain me how website works. I 've been working my website for several days now and i dont have a single person vsitied my site. And how did I know if my website is working? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!
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First of all your site is not secure so visitors will be wary. To fix this, go to websites and then site manager. On the right is a score out of 3. Click on SitePlus+ underneath it. On the next page switch on the SSL button. This will add https to your website which means it is secure. All the best, Diane
Hey Elsie! You just joined in November. It takes a while for you to get organic traffic to your site. And the way you get this traffic is by creating content. So patience and hard work is key to building traffic with your site. Hope this helps answer your question.
I have a few constructive criticism's for you...
1) Your theme is either missing elements or is otherwise not quite right. When I visit your site there are scrolling pink blocks up top with text but no images. Also the recent posts seem to have a black square over them for some reason.
2) Images you've used are from stock sites and still have their watermark on them. Please use properly licensed images or images that are offered for free.
3) It appears a lot of your content is copied. Take this post for example: The first paragraph is an almost identical duplicate of one I've found here: Google hates duplicate content. You need to say what you want to say in your own words, not copy someone else's.
You have a good niche picked out but you need to do some work on your content and theme.
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I have sent you a private message to explain the problem with your website.