I know I saw a training that showed how to work codmmissions, I keep getting an ad when I try, I think I saw in training somewhere that an ad would show up, and they worked you
I know I saw a training that showed how to work codmmissions, I keep getting an ad when I try, I think I saw in training somewhere that an ad would show up, and they worked you
You will find them on your stats page.
https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/stats Detailed Stats
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When I started this program and watched the training on commissions I was very excited, but I would like to see the training again.
Hi Abie,
thank you for sending information on training. Can I ask you one more question? I have gone over the information you sent, I had read it once, but went back today and re-read. I don't know what is wrong because I don't see the training on Commissions . Do you think I need to upgrade?
Also here Wealthy Affiliate Walkthrough - How YOU Can Benefit From WA You can also go here
And watch four webinars. Kyle’s First Live Class, Learn From My Last 14 Years Insights into Efficiently Becoming an Expert in 2018 The 4 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Online Alphabet Soup X - Cracking the Research Code!
You may follow up the training step by step at your own pace; I tend to do a bit of learning and a bit of implementing. Ticking checklists bottom of lessons, tasks, and activities asked of you to complete to set up correctly and guide you through the process.
You may click the training tab top menu and head to where it says Online Entrepreneur Certification. A direct link Getting Rolling! Anytime you feel stuck, you may reach out to the live chat here or ask your questions in the core training.
See also this resource from Kyle How to Make Money Online - The Process Explained
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Where is the training on commissions, and how it works?
When I started this program and watched the training on commissions I was very excited, but I would like to see the training again.
Hi Abie,
thank you for sending information on training. Can I ask you one more question? I have gone over the information you sent, I had read it once, but went back today and re-read. I don't know what is wrong because I don't see the training on Commissions . Do you think I need to upgrade?
Also here Wealthy Affiliate Walkthrough - How YOU Can Benefit From WA You can also go here
And watch four webinars. Kyle’s First Live Class, Learn From My Last 14 Years Insights into Efficiently Becoming an Expert in 2018 The 4 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Online Alphabet Soup X - Cracking the Research Code!
You may follow up the training step by step at your own pace; I tend to do a bit of learning and a bit of implementing. Ticking checklists bottom of lessons, tasks, and activities asked of you to complete to set up correctly and guide you through the process.
You may click the training tab top menu and head to where it says Online Entrepreneur Certification. A direct link Getting Rolling! Anytime you feel stuck, you may reach out to the live chat here or ask your questions in the core training.
See also this resource from Kyle How to Make Money Online - The Process Explained
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I am trying to do the final step before I can do commission's. How do I get to the SALES TAB from my dashboard? I've tried ever which way but can't find it. I would appreciate
Yes, when I am starting the commission process, I am supposed to go the sales, there is a panel on the left side, it starts with website, then under that is Sales, then Offers. But, I can't get to that Panel. Can anyone help me with this? Celinda cindyharrod5@gmail.com
I am trying to do the final step before I can do commission's. How do I get to the SALES TAB from my dashboard? I've tried ever which way but can't find it. I would appreciate
Yes, when I am starting the commission process, I am supposed to go the sales, there is a panel on the left side, it starts with website, then under that is Sales, then Offers. But, I can't get to that Panel. Can anyone help me with this? Celinda cindyharrod5@gmail.com
feel safe to ask question. I am going to do that now. I will be attending all of you programs. I already have a website, but I am kind of a middle person. My title PayPal ma
I suggest you get with the training test drive the platform to see if it fits with your business needs and requirements. And if that is, you may upgrade and start working on your business. Getting Rolling!
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Hi kyle, I just finished step one of your presentation, I really like you make everyone ?
feel safe to ask question. I am going to do that now. I will be attending all of you programs. I already have a website, but I am kind of a middle person. My title PayPal ma
I suggest you get with the training test drive the platform to see if it fits with your business needs and requirements. And if that is, you may upgrade and start working on your business. Getting Rolling!
See more comments
In the commission the program goes to what work sheet that you select that has "Sales that I select first". I can see it but I can't get to it. This has been so useful, lets h
I think I have it taken care of now, but Thank you for being my support. I will get where I don't need to rely on you as much. Thats, a good thing.
Anyway, thank you for being one of the first to try to help...
Can you please clarify and give us more info here? Thank you. Also, I would edit the question and remove the email address within as this is a public forum and for your protection.
In the commission the program goes to what work sheet that you select that has "Sales that I select first". I can see it but I can't get to it. This has been so useful, lets h
I think I have it taken care of now, but Thank you for being my support. I will get where I don't need to rely on you as much. Thats, a good thing.
Anyway, thank you for being one of the first to try to help...
Can you please clarify and give us more info here? Thank you. Also, I would edit the question and remove the email address within as this is a public forum and for your protection.
You will find them on your stats page.
https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/stats Detailed Stats
Thank you Abie, I'm sure this will help...