Is Industrial Hemp Legal - How To Make Money With Hemp
This blog is NOT about marijuana or any form of Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC. This is one of more than 100 cannabinols within the Cannabis Sativa plant. THC, technically D9 THC, when consumed gets people high, which makes marijuana federally illegal in the U.S. & elsewhere.
Before I answer that question let me answer the other question many people have. Is there a difference between marijuana and hemp? Yes! Consider them as brother and sister of the same parent plant, Cannabis Sativa. In short, they look a little different in size and shape but share similar characteristics. Both can get you high. However, not all hemp is created equal.
Back in the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, there was a law within that bill that made hemp federally legal AGAIN. This gave struggling U.S. farmers another cash crop with broad application in industrial products. Hemp that is bred to no more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC by dry weight is now Federally Legal to grow and sell. Our founding fathers grew hemp, used hemp and sold hemp.
So what's industrial hemp grown for and can you make money with hemp? Industrial Hemp is pretty much what the name indicates. Hemp grown with no more than 0.3% THC, so it can't get people high, and is grown for industrial purposes like fabric, oils, food, plant medicine, building materials, paper and more. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
In fact 1 acre of industrial hemp can make the same amount of paper as 4 acres of trees and hemp grows quicker. This means paper products across the board, no matter what application. This fact is one reason why hemp became illegal way back in 1937. Newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who owned acres of trees, wanted hemp federally illegal to stop competition.
Now that hemp is federally legal, what is industrial hemp used for? I gave you several uses above and I want to share another use, even one that could be a niche of its own. If you've been here at Wealthy Affiliate for a while, you know that I share niche ideas before they become popular. Building your affiliate marketing online business needs a good in-demand niche to make money.
If you look back to my WA Blog Post, How I Made $3,000 In Commissions Without A Website, I talk about how I used the immediate need for people like me in healthcare when the pandemic first hit. How the use of PPE (N95, Gloves, Shields,...) was an exploding niche market. I found an affiliate program that didn't require a website, if you could verify employment in healthcare.
Now the United States is dealing with another threat of destruction as we continue to see the Santa Ana winds get stronger in their destructive power. This latest firestorm, LA has wildfires every year, was described by LAFD firefighter as a 100 mph hurricane wind without rain and replaced by fire embers. Though a PPE niche would be good here, I have a more novel idea.
Are you sitting down? Hemp Building Materials. There has been a building material already in use with a few nations in house construction. It's called Hempcrete. In short it is a combination of hemp fibers and a lime binding mixture with water. There are a lot of benefits to using Hempcrete or whatever other name applied for the same product. Google Hempcrete.
Why do I think Hempcrete or any other brand is a REALLY BIG DEAL? This combination of Industrial Hemp Fibers and a concrete-like lime mixture, is extremely beneficial. It makes homes FIRE RESISTANT! It also makes homes Pest & Termite Resistant as well as being carbon neutral. In the aftermath of the Los Angeles wildfires, Hempcrete makes a great money making niche.
Is Hempcrete available in an affiliate program? Absolutely and I found one. I'm sure there are others too. Think about it, people are going to want to rebuild with flame resistant materials. Wouldn't you? I highly suggest you look into it before it becomes a popular niche. Destruction from wildfires are not going away anytime soon. Check out the website
This is NOT an affiliate link. It's the Industrial Hemp Products company main website page. They have a link to their affiliate program at the very bottom of their home page. The use of legal hemp has continued to explode in so many products and now a Fire Resistant building material. What do you think about Hemp Building Materials? Leave your comment below.
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I believe you may be on the leading edge of a trend. You should be able to find an affiliate link in short order. Good luck.
I found one and I'm sure there are others out there. People are going to rebuild. Why not rebuild with Fire Resistant building materials? Seems like a winning solution and it's eco-friendly!
Very interesting indeed.
Thanks for sharing and opening our eyes to all the opportunities that present itself in front of us.
You are welcome Eric. Many times we have opportunities right in front of us but don't make the connection with a viable product. Fire Resistant Homes sounds like a win win scenario.
You are welcome Myra. That website has a lot of products made solely from industrial hemp, even clothing and linens.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for sharing this insightful post! I had no idea industrial hemp could be used for so many things, like paper and fire-resistant materials such as Hempcrete. It’s fascinating that hemp paper was even used for the Declaration of Independence - what a cool piece of history!
Your point about Hempcrete as a smart niche is so timely, especially with growing concerns about wildfires and the need for eco-friendly building materials. A product that’s fire-resistant, pest-resistant, and environmentally friendly is such a win-win. It’s exciting to think about the possibilities for affiliate marketing in this space.
I appreciate you mentioning as a starting point. I’ll definitely check it out and explore more about this niche. This is such a creative way to think about new opportunities.
To your success,
You are welcome Boris. I came up with the idea of Hempcrete when I was watching the news of destroyed neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Every once in a while they would show a house that wasn't too badly damaged or not damaged at all. It made me wonder if that house was built with hemp building materials. It could be a profitable new niche market.
You are welcome Howard. They were showing a totally destroyed neighborhood on the news and every once in a while you would see a house that wasn't burned. Though it shocked many, I looked at the house and said, I bet that house was built with Hempcrete. It's been a legal building material in the U.S. for 5 years.
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Always thinking like a business man,well done.
I'm always trying to think outside the box. Maybe it might help someone looking for a new niche.