Why is my text in the articles sad off?
Why is my text in the articles sad off?
I put additional 3 new articles on my site typed on the editor page. The text was aligned to the left but on the post, it's out of place. It's also happening on other pages and I tried it many, many times over and over again at different times to correct it on the editor page but it always is the same situation at he end. It's so frustrating to me, what else can I do to correct it? Your help is very much appreciated.
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Let me take a Crack at your problem, first can you answer some questions I have...
First, were your content suppose to be structured with spaces in between sentences within the paragraph?
Possible answer below:
Have you tried highlighting and copying the page content from the visual and than pasting the content in the "text" side instead.
I have had this problem before and this was the fix but you have to go back to visual and make the headers again...
Pasting into "text" removes hidden code in visual that can alter your content
Truly hope this helps, good luck
Hey, Sophe, It's so nice to have people like you on board, I followed your recommendation and I'm happy to solve this frustrating situation.
Thanks so much!
Hello. Loes, thanks for your involvement. It goes on for a long time at opentotheworld.link (private policy)
Now on my last website: wilfsloseweight.com ( last three articles) Looking forward to your help.
Have a nice night, Loes!
I see what your problem is, have you written it at first in MS Word?
There are some hard enters (coded at the back office)
Copy and cut your text and paste it again in plain text mode.
Then add every H tags and paragraphs again.
See for plain text pasting at the image I send with this.
Use to go to a new line shift+enter
Use for a new paragraph just the enter
Hope this will help you
Hi, Loes, I followed up on your advice and it worked out fine. I'm so relieved - I should have asked earlier for help - my mistake!
Hugs and kisses for your help. Thanks so much!
My pleasure, and yes you should have asked earlier ;) Don't write articles in a self coding program, like words, use notepad:)
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I looked at your site and it is wonderful in the beginning. Then it start to go off like you said.
I am wondering if you accidentally hit the tab key a few times, which would move your text over to a different spot just before you typed it. Then hit the indent key to indent a paragraph.
I know it is annoying but there is only a little bit you need to go and sort out. other than that it looks wonderful.
A late thanks for your time to look at my site. I know there is still a lot of work to do on the site but those unexpected things are going to drive me crazy.