What is the best way to get ranked in google search?
I know that many people struggle to get rankings in google search, being the biggest search engine that's easy to understand why.Get ranked in google get traffic right?
I don't think anyone one has the exact answer because google changes its algorythms almost daily.Using keywords with less competition is one good way to get better rankings.When using competitive keywords for your content you have to almost be a copywriter to get rankings in your niche very fast. Some people can do that right off the bat i can't therefore i search for keywords with less competition hoping that i can get ranking faster.
Google doesn't like keyword stuffing but if you do as directed here at WA and put your keyword in your title and then maybe once or twice in your first couple of paragraphs i have found that to work very well..
Now all i have to do is to give my readers a reason to stay on my site.Thats another story but i did get ranked very well on 8 out of 10 of my first articles. Following the directiuon here at WA. should bring you the same results.
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Yes, I agree... following the training might be very useful... and another thing - sometimes ranking is delayed, and you might get it after a couple of weeks - it is unpredictable.
Great stuff Bryan. It pays to follow the training. Keep at it and all the best to you.
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I am trying out Yoast (free version) as a tool to adjust to the requirements of search engines.
I don't know how effective it is, but it has given me a lot of info and keep me alert as to readability and keyword adjustments etc.
Does anyone else have experience using this software?