How much can you write in 30 minutes?

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Testing our writing skills was a great lesson. The goal was to see how much content we could put together in 30 minutes.

Lesson 6 of Bootcamp Phase 3: Power Writing Gone Wild!

Another purpose for training to write this way taught me purpose and helped me create overall productivity! Timed writing exercises helped me and forced me to create a goal to achieve a level to stride for which is maximum productivity. When I started training at Wealthy Affiliate September 2018, one of my concerns was how would my writing skills hold up against what would be expected and what would I write about?

So, I forced myself to write to see how much content I could create in 30 minutes.

But first, I needed to have ideas in place! What was I am going to write about? I challenged myself, I am sure this was also the goal of the exercise as well, for us to challenge ourselves.

30 minutes that's all it took!

Am I a writing machine? Today my answer is "yes", but only if the writing doesn't have to make sense! The real answer is "No" because my focus was all over the place! Reading what I wrote after the 30 minutes proved to me I can benefit from this exercise.

I believe if I am able to maintain focus by not looking at this exercise as if I was taking a "typing test" it could be very beneficial. I did, however, manage to write a great deal of content. In bits and pieces I was able to create a level of success in terms of ideas.

Spending 30 minutes doing writing exercises such as this one will pay great dividends in the long run in terms of being more efficient when creating content and to be more productive with coming up with new ideas.

Go to the website and set the timer for 30 minutes.

Write until our hearts are content (pun intended) and then write some more!


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Hi I think this exercise is a good way to grow your writing muscle. I know I need to exercise my muscle. Thanks


I'll have to check it out. Not sure how much I could write in 30 minutes.

Ok, come back and let me know how well you did!

I believe the exercise will be very helpful. My 3rd and 4th time using the timer, I was more focused and was able to get a couple of new ideas.

I am trying to add in as a daily 30-minute exercise.

All the best,


Great Post and great information thank you for sharing this.


Thanks, Mary!

You are so very welcome it was my pleasure


Maybe just a paragraph for me in 30 minutes.

Hi Jimmy,

That's about where I am, doing about a paragraph in 30 minutes, add in the research, spell checks and the structuring of the content in a post/page all totally about 1200 words in about 4-6 hours. That's way too long to spend on an article I think!

I think I need to practice more!

All the best,


I'm sure that's quality content.

Thanks, Jimmy that's very nice of you to say!

All the best,


Very interesting ! Thanks:)

Thanks, Anne!

I hope all is well and you are moving toward your goals with WA!

All the best,


Thanks a lot for sharing!

Wish you grteat success!


Thanks, Bob!

How many posts are you doing per week?


In pure writing without research I usually do a 2000 word blog in about 30 minutes.

All up with research and publishing I can normally spit out 2 - 3k word post in about 3 hours. I could do less but I do get myself bogged down in double checking research and product links.

That's where I want to get to someday Paul, pure writing! Then add in the research where I can write 2-3k word articles 3-4 times per week. That's if I could get it all together. A great goal to have!

Thanks for sharing!

All the best,


I can do about 1000-1500 words in 30 minutes. I think I saw somewhere in here where Kyle says he can now do 1000 words in 8 minutes. I guess the more you practice writing the more automated it becomes.

Hi Jagi,

I am inclined to agree with you 100%.

Practice can always help to create consistency!

All the best,


About a thousand words a minute!

What the heck am I saying??? Frank listen to the question! Geesh!!

A thousand words in 30 minutes.


That's really good Frank!

I didn't get to that many, I was too distracted, but I think the exercise will help me improve in the focus area as well.

All the best,


For me it's simple. When it's something that's important to me
distractions or no, won't make me untrack Diane.

When the message I'm getting across is so important writing go full speed. Just my opinion.

Thanks for the post, you hit a good feeling nerve in me.


I hope to reach that level of focus and mindset!

Thanks, Frank!

where do you go to start your writing and is the clock ticking were you are writing as well

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