Fortress of Solitude


I usually post about the extreme kindness and help drawn from this community. It is a wonderful thing. But no matter how strong you feel, how gregarious you may be, there always comes a time and a need for Solitude!

As a child. I loved to read Superman Comics.

Superman had a tough job. He fought for

Truth, Justice and The American Way!

This of course, was during a time when Americans truly believed that we were here on earth to protect freedom at home and abroad.

So, like I said, Superman had a rough gig! Sometimes he saw the need to get away for a bit. You may find that need come up occasionally in your own life. So we go on holiday or vacation. But usually our trip does not involve much solitude.

Here is where Superman went........

The Fortress Of Solitude!

I have been feeling the need to go for a while. So tomorrow I will be off to my own Fortress in a small town in Louisiana. I know I am not Superman. Maybe you know you aren't either. But since some of us live a very fast-paced life, we would do well if we were Super-people.

But even the mythical character had enough sense to hit the fortress now and then.

So tomorrow I go for 10 days. Will I come back? Not sure, but only because I never know much about the future. I try to, but I am only about 14.36% accurate in my predictions...... Ha! Actually I know not what the next nano-second holds.

But I do believe it to be good, and necessary as well, to gain peace and renew strength. I will try to check in daily with a possible update on what is going on.

During this time I would love to have prayers, good vibes, etc, for a nourishing and refreshing time away. And wishing all great success!

Just sayin

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Great post! Totally makes sense. Everyone needs quite time to ponder. The time we take to quite our minds helps us to find our direction in life. As we ask ourselves the questions that matter most to us, and wait to hear the the heaven sent response within us we will know what we need to do. All the best to you and yours.

No doubt the future is uncertain. This September and October are said to hold earth shattering events. Some speculation has said the following; a meteor will strike the earth (like in the movies), The pope will make an interesting announcement, and the economy will toilet. I think that as long as we strive to be right with God, and do our best to be moral and courageous, and faith filled we will come out on top of whatever might be yet ahead of us.

Definitely some interesting events coming up

All the best Big Daddy, keep looking in

ever now and then you have to take some time for yourself. Have a great time off Big Daddy! :)

Yes most of us could use some of that solitude time. It is your life and you know what is necessary for you to make the most of it. So many people here, maybe you included, have spoken to the need for "balance" and sometimes getting away from it all helps to create that balance. Good luck and you will always have prayers and well wishes from here. Thanks for the message. My best to you.

Hi Fred. I hope you have a great time of rest and relaxation and come back full of strength and energy.

it's good to enjoy some solitude...have a wonderful time.

It sounds wonderful! Hope you return nourished, refreshed, and renewed. I for one, look forward to your insights. Godspeed, BDF!

Have a nice peaceful time Fred!

Enjoy your time away. Keep in contact but that is not your first priority. We forgive you if you miss a day or 2 of communicating.

Good vibes and many beautiful blessings as you nourish and rejuvenate! Enjoy the peace...Warmly, Heather

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