Grab Your Bananas
This past Friday my wife and I went to Joel Osteen's event. He mentioned an experiment that I wanted to share.
Researchers put four monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room was a large pole. At the top of the pole was a huge bunch of bananas. One by one each monkey climbed the pole but just before each one reached the bananas a bucket of cold water was dumped on it. Each monkey never again tried. Then the researchers replaced one of the monkeys. When the new monkey tried to climb the pole the other three kept pulling it down. This went on until the monkey gave up. The researchers replaced each original monkey one by one. And each one kept being pulled down by the others. Eventually all original monkeys were replaced but the new monkeys were afraid to climb the pole and kept passing that fear on to newer monkeys in the room.
This is what fear, negativity, limiting beliefs, and other people do to us, How many times have we had dreams or goals that our beliefs talked us out of trying to accomplish? Or worse yet other people in our lives talked us out of it?
This Monday morning I say let's make a decision to reach for our bananas! Pursue those dreams! Make a plan to achieve those goals!
Recent Comments
Although true in many instances, I like the analogy of the experiment and I like Joel Osteen. I am working to grab my banana and to eat it too. Thanks and the best to you.
Thank you for sharing the experiment! I'll be more determined to be successful in my new adventure.
I am not going to let anyone or anything stand in my way of making my dreams come true all the best